The Ex and The Crush

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"I met her after moving here recently and had a class with her in school. I text her every now and then, but I try not talking about relationships because I feel like a jerk after she told me about her ex. Her last bf dropped her hard. Any advice?"


My first piece of advice would be this: Don't feel like a jerk.

Yes, her ex probably left her feeling not too open towards relationships. That doesn't mean that you should avoid the topic. If anything, discussing relationships may be helpful for her. But keep in mind that this may be dangerous ground for you to tread on. Depending on how invested she was in her last relationship and how long ago it ended, you may not want to discuss it regularly because it will most likely irritate her. Take it slowly at first. Let her become comfortable with the idea of relationships.

Let it be known to you that she will not be receptive at first. If the breakup hit her as hard as you suggest, then she will need time and support. A broken heart is a hard thing to mend. Especially if she still has feelings for her ex. If she talks to you again about her ex, let her know that you are there for her. However this does not mean to bash the ex. If you just recently moved and met her then chances are that you don't know her ex or how far their relationship went. If she's hurting over it still, then their relationship was probably a good one that she misses. If you begin to bash her ex, then she will most likely to doubt everything she knows.

I think that the best path to go on would be to let her know you are there for her if she ever needs a hug or a shoulder to cry on. Be there for her and guide her down the road of acceptence that her past relationship is over until she finally lets go of it. And hopefully you two will find eachother along the way.

Best of luck to you!


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