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Jan 03, 2018
07:18 PM

Joshua? Are you really serious about last night?

Emotional problems?

Yep. I'm serious.

Actually, I'm carrying this since I'm Grade 7

10 years ago?

Almost. I first met her when I'm just 5 years old. Her dad and my mom are best of friends ever since their days. We became playmate since then. We are childhood best friends.

I thought, we will end up like what our parents are but I'm wrong. When we were in Grade 4 back then, I started to feel this wicked feeling. I learned to love her without me, realizing that I'm already drowning.

I started to care for her. I'm always looking at her and smile when she looked at me. I'm also doing embarrassing things just for her. One day, when we were in grade 6, someone approached me and asked for my permission to court her. Of course, I said yes. Who am I to disallow, right? I'm just her best friend anyway.

But then, I was jealous so I did everything to get rid of that guy. I searched for his bad doings and I did! I found out that he is only courting her for a bet. I punched him hard until his face wasn't recognizable. I'm really mad. Then, she came and hugged me. Saying that it's okay. That she doesn't had any feelings for the guy because she's already into someone.

I don't know what to feel. Should I be happy because she doesn't feel anything towards that douchebag? Or should I buried myself, 6 feet below the ground, because she's already in love? I don't know what to think. And then, I realized that I don't have any chance. The hope that I built for years, started to collapse.

But, as the days passed, she's been giving me a signal. I don't know if it's just me but, she started being clingy and sweet to me. So, my collapsed tower of hope started to rise again.

At the day of our graduation, she made a speech. And unexpectedly, includes me. She said that she loves me since we were in nursery. That even if she's entertaining suitors, she ended up falling for me.

That's the most wonderful graduation gift of all. Just, wow! She loves me back. Should I pray for anything else if I already got what I am dreaming? We enter in a relationship since that day.

Grade 7, we are classmates. It's just first day of school but the whole class I'm in already knew our relationship. She was my first kiss, my first love and first girlfriend. It was very perfect.

But then, my uncle came and need to take me along with him because of a matter. We need to go out of the country because of the business. I cried on that day. I don't know what to do because I know she'll be in pain because of me.

I can't do anything about it so I broke up with her. Promising that I'll be back in her arms someday. But, she will never. She got into an accident. Thank God, she recovered. I came along with my uncle after she recovered her consciousness.

Did you already saw her after you came back?

Yes. I always see her, walking peacefully without her memories with me.

Did she know that you are already here?

She doesn't. Maybe?

Ha? I didn't get it.

She doesn't recognize me at all. Maybe, because it's been a decade or something else.

I hope that she'll forgive me when she already know about my existence. I hope that she'll understand.

Oh, I almost forgot.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
– 1 John 1:9

Good night.

I need to sleep this😂

Don't worry. I'm okay😉

You will be☺

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