CM 1.3

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April 9, 2018
03:52 AM

Ring... Ring...

Joshua Hong has been calling Haneun for God-knows-how-many-times, and he's been rejected. But he didn't give up. After receiving Haneun's message, he hurriedly ran outside Mrs. Shin's house and look for her.

For the past days that Haneun doesn't went home, Joshua's been searching for her and doesn't get any sleep. Wearing those eye bags and fluffy eyes, he still runs.

'Haneun answer please...,' he thought.

"Jagi-" he stopped on his tracks, unable to move. He absent-mindedly sit on the cold ground, looking at nowhere.


'Be mine again, Babe.'

'L-Let me go! Asshole, let me go!'

A loud thud from the background echoed on Joshua's ear. He doesn't know what to do. He can't even utter any word. Haneun's in distress...

'You-! I'll get you, bitch!"

"J-Joshua? J-Jagi, please answer me," her sobs bring him back to reality. "I want to escape..."

"Jagi, where are you?" He began to stand and run.

"I'm going to-"

'Haneun! Just make sure that you'll run and never let me catch you!'

"WHERE ARE YOU? TELL ME?" Fear started to envelope his whole system. One thing's for sure that the guy from the other line was no other than Andrew - Haneun's ex. That crazy son of Satan who kidnapped her.

"B-bridge," the call ended.

Joshua went straight to the nearest river bridge and found his beloved running towards him.

"Joshua!" He hugged her tightly, afraid of losing her for the second time.

"T-Thank you," loud sobs escaped from her lips. "I'm sorry, I tried to runaway without hearing your explanations. I'm sorry, Jagi."

"Shh. You are now safe. I will never let someone hurt you again. I swear-"

Slow claps caught their attentions.

"So sweet," Drew retorted. "And I hate it."

The crazy Andrew was walking towards them and they keep on stepping back. Joshua can't risk her anymore. He only wanted to have her safe and sound but the fate's really trying their patience.

"Who should I kill first? Is it you, babe?" Drew pointed the gun at Haneun who shrieked in fear. Joshua instantly stepped in front of Haneun and protect her as a human shield.

"Uh-uh," he rolled his eyes, "there goes the knight in shining armor. You really are willing to save that damsel in distress of yours, don't you? Ah! I have an idea!"

He took a step forward wearing his wicked smile.

"I'll kill you first so that I wouldn't waste my time anymore on getting my Haneun-"

"She doesn't belong to you and will never. You have to step on my corpse before you get her."

Drew rolled his eyes once again, "whatever. She'll be mine anyway. So, let's get back where we talk before that goddamn pious of yours."

He played the gun on his hand but instantly stopped, realizing something.

"But on the other hand," he pointed the gun at Joshua and said, "I'll kill you. Now."

Before Drew could even pull the trigger, Joshua ran rapidly and tried to get the gun. They both struggling on having the weapon until they reached the railings of the bridge.


The deafening sound made by the gun filled the eerie atmosphere.


Haneun ran fast as she could to hold Joshua's hand. His arms were bleeding. Joshua and Drew almost fell off the bridge when the latter pushed him. But Joshua manage to held the railings despite his bleeding arms.

"J-Joshua. Just... Just hold on! Don't let go of my hand, okay? Promis- P-Promise me."

Tears started to fall from his holy eyes.

"I love you," he smiled bitterly.

"N-No, don't say t-that. You have to live. Hold on tight. I'm begging..."

"I won't let you two be together." Drew tried to climbed on Joshua's body. The latter struggled causing Drew to fall but he managed, again, to hold on Joshua's left leg. Their weight became heavier.


Her tears fell over his face. He held her hands.


"Joshua, please. Don't, jagi. Don't. I will listen to you. Just, don't leave me."

But he didn't listen to her, "Keep on walking and don't ever look back. Continue living without me-"

"No!" She held him tighter.

"Haneun. It's better if I'm just the one who'll die. I don't want you to get hurt again. I love you. And I always do. I want to be an idol. I want to earn more money so that I can give you a better life. I tried to tell it but my tongue keeps on twisting every time I think of it. I don't came back just to get you. I didn't take your amnesia for granted. I didn't played with your memories. I didn't -"

"S-Stop. Stop it. I'll listen to you after everything went well. So please, you stop."

He smiled sadly. Tears are still flowing on his gentle face.

"Always remember that I love you,"

"J-Jisoo Hong-"

"My name turns into lullaby whenever you said it, Haneun Shin," he removed her grip and smiled for the last time.


Haneun cried harder after watching him fell.

"Why!? Of all people, why me!?"

She abruptly sat down and mourn. She shouldn't have leave. She should have listen. She should have trust him.

"I should have..."

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