- Soonwoo

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Getting stood up isn’t so bad.

Soonyoung repeats this in his head more times than he can count. It’s almost been an hour and thirty minutes since 7pm, the agreed time him and his date decided to meet at this coffee shop, and since then he’s come up with exactly 2 reasons to support his claim.

First off, he doesn’t need to spend so much money.

Secondly, he enjoys time alone too. It’s 2018 and not everyone needs to have a boyfriend or girlfriend they can do interesting stuff with.

He shakes his head. Who am I kidding?

Getting stood up sucks.

This only happened once before with someone who isn’t even romantically interested in him. He and his roommate Jihoon decided to celebrate their one year anniversary of becoming roommates by agreeing to get shitfaced drunk and visiting a karaoke bar, both of which did not happen because Jihoon forgot to unplug the damn iron.

Not only did Soonyoung have to wait for 2 hours, drinking by himself at a karaoke bar – and that already looks pretty pathetic – but their apartment also nearly catches fire.

Not a good night.

He takes another sip of his latte, ruining the foam art on it, and sighs. People are whispering about him at a safe distance. He sees the way their eyes turn to look at him for a brief second before talking about something in hushed tones. He can’t hear them of course, but he can guess what they’re saying.

He downs his entire drink, deciding he’s not going to sit around and wait for some boy who isn’t coming. He unplugs his charger from the outlet on the pillar next to him and almost gets out, when suddenly, a boy steps into the coffee shop.

Soonyoung hears the bell ring as the glass door opens. A boy with hazelnut hair and round glasses walks briskly towards his seat, book in one hand and a paper bag in the other. His tall and lanky frame squeezes past a few customers before he takes off his outer coat and hangs it on the backrest of the seat opposite to Soonyoung. “Sorry I’m late, you know how business meetings can get.” He watches the boy get settled in the seat in front of him, his eyebrows furrowed, completely confused.

“I’m sorry –?“

“No, no I should be sorry. I won’t be late again. Have you ordered?” The boy smiles at him. Soonyoung hunches forwards over the table, and so does the mystery man. “Have we met?”

“You see that restaurant across the street? I could see your lonely ass got stood up all the way from my seat, right there by the window. I could tell by how much you were looking at your wristwatch, how much you were texting, and how you’d stare at people like you were considering murder,” the ends of the boy’s lip curled up in a smirk.

“So you –“

“Came to save your ass.”

Soonyoung is at a loss for words, which is rare from a blabbermouth like him. Half the reason being that this completestranger just did him a solid. The other half being this complete stranger is extremely cool.

And good looking.

“I’m Wonwoo by the way, clearly, not the date you were expecting. You can also call me bag of luck, or guardian and savior of good looking boys who get stood up by their asshole dates,” he says this entire sentence without any hint of faltering, making soonyoung smile, “but let me order us some coffee first.”

“I’m Soonyoung,” he mumbles his own name as wonwoo gets up from his seat, and walks towards the counter to order them more coffee. He slumps on the backrest of his chair and looks around, finding that the people who were whispering about him earlier are now staring – drooling, actually – over at Wonwoo, just as he gives the barista a pleasant smile.

Wonwoo puts another latte down in front of Soonyoung before taking a seat in front of him. “I don’t really do the talking to be honest, but since your still at a loss for words,” he pauses for a second, letting Soonyoung’s silence prove his point, “Let me tell you about this book I’m reading.”

Soonyoung doesn’t read much. He prefers more physically challenging things, like or going for runs, but the way Wonwoo talks about this book has him completely entranced, he can’t help but listen attentively. The book’s title slips his mind, but he finds Wonwoo’s short descriptions of the plot and it’s different settings and characters to be quite amusing. Soonyoung also does most of the talking, in any relationship he’s ever had, but admittedly, he could listen to this boy talk for hours on end.

He makes a mental note.

Reason three, Jeon Wonwoo.

And as he sits there and watches him take a sip of his coffee, he smiles a little to himself.

Getting stood up isn’t so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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