How to roast a pervert on the internet

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So I just encountered another douchebag on one of my RPGMMOs and this is the rundown of it.  I unleashed my inner iisuperwomanii ✨


I was playing one of my MMOs and some dude player comes up to me and asks if he could bang me. So I argue with him that I'm not gonna do it cuz it's gross and I'm not interested and he's like,
"Don't worry baby it won't hurt, I know you've secretly desired to do this."
So I said "Yeah? If I wanted to bang some random stranger then I would be on Tinder or some other random obnoxious dating site. But we're not, this is an RPGMMO where we fight monsters. And in this case you're the final boss and I think you're not worth the time to defeat. Plus even if our virtual characters did do IT then you'd be covered in blood cuz I'm on my period and therefore my virtual avatar is gonna be on her period and when you're done banging it'll look like I murdered your ass. Oh and just to add more salt to that burn, my virtual virginity has already been taken by my anime senpais...ALL 20 OF THEM SUCKA! So in conclusion, go find another ding dong girl to take up on your offer cuz I'm not. Peace out ✌🏼"

The dude just typed "0.0" and immediately logged off . I'm quite certain he didn't expect a seemingly sweet and innocent avatar to spit out some savage roasts instead of being naive and going with whatever he suggested 😂🤣

I assure you all that this literally happened, and if you think I'm lying then ask almost any girl who owns a device connected to the inter web if this has happened at least once in their life.

To my guy followers I am not calling every man on the internet a douchebag, only those that can't keep their hormones in check and find better things to do than stalking girls.
Anyway I'm sorry I haven't been updating, I'll try to update more often. Hope y'all are having a great day/ night!
~Shimmer ✨

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