Build God, Then We'll Talk

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Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Silver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things

Life is a funny thing isn’t it? There one moment and gone the next. The fate that you cannot control, other people’s decisions that you can’t do anything about. Can a single person even be responsible for their actions, or is their actions already decided by one big sonofabitch who laughs as they make your life into hell?

These are questions that people can’t answer, questions that no one can answer, unless you are me.

Soliloquy is just a poor girl caught in the cruel game that life forces us to play. Yes, you read right, Soliloquy is her name, the same word that means to ‘talk to oneself without anyone listening in, usually to voice one's innermost emotions.’

This story will start on the corner of 4th and Freemont street in a motel that provides rashes and diseases. A motel that will change Soliloquy’s life forever, let’s take a closer look, shall we?

I want you to picture it now, a small miners town in California where everyone knows everybody, there is a main paved road through the center of town and the rest are dirt roads, the main income is coal, and just about everybody there makes it through life drunk on cheap liquor. In the small motel unthinkable actions take place, actions that I cannot discuss with you.

It was the first day of summer for Soliloquy, and in the fall she wasn’t heading back to highschool, she was heading to the community college, because no one left the town. Her schedule was now ruined because of no school, so she wakes up not knowing exactly what to do. Soliloquy’s father is passed out drunk on the kitchen floor, and reeks of whisky and piss, her mother is no where to be found.

She steps over the disgusting man quietly, slides on her flip flops, and heads outside. Smiling she starts her walk to the main road, along the way she see’s her best friend Sidney, a boy who wears his auburn hair down at his shoulders and always seems to have scruff on his jaw bones.

“Hey Q,” he shouts and jogs over to her, and she can’t help but blush, looking at his tanned shirtless torso. He catches up and slings his arms around her shoulders, tugging at her long light brown ponytail as he did.

“Hey Sid,” She muttered and poked his lightly in the side. “Hows the car coming along?”

“It’s just about done. You should see it Q, it’s going to be amazing,” he chuckles and squeezes her shoulder lightly. “Well, it better be, I’ve only been learning to do this for the past three years.”

I had better explain, Sidney dropped out of school the summer going into his sophomore year of highschool, in order to learn how to do auto repairs. It was very rare for a child of this town to get their high school diploma in one run. Usually the people took a break and went back later in life to receive it, if they got it at all.

“I can’t wait to see it.” They walk in a comfortable silence for a while until they pass the motel.

“Holy shit Q, do you see that?” He drops his arm from her shoulder and runs over to the single car in the parking lot, a Cadillac. “There is no way there is a Cadillac in this town. I’ve only seen one on the computer in the library.” He runs his hand over the gossy pain on the hood. “Q, lets go see if we can find who owns this. They are the only person staying in the motel anyway.”

She sighs and glances around the dead town, then shoves her hand into the pockets of her mid- thigh denim shorts. “Fine, but let’s be quick about it.”

Sidney grabs her hand and pulls her to the first window of the first room; room 1A, and they both peer inside, nothing. They went through every room until they reach 4D, the blinds were half pulled closed, like someone did it in a hurry. Soliloquy and Sidney peer inside and both gasp.

Inside the room, naked, lies a woman in her forties with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Next to her lies a man around the same age with salt and pepper short hair and a jaw line that could chip ice. “Why is my mom in there?” Soliloquy’s eyes snapped up to look at Sidney’s face, “Sid, why is my mother in there with another man?”

“Q, I’m so sorry.” Sid pulls the sobbing Soliloquy into his arms and rubs her back softly, tears run down her face as she sobs.

They turn away from the window, and as they did a gunshot rang out. The two turn and look back in the window and scream. Soliloquy’s mom holds a gun in her hand and the man she was with was now on the floor, lying in a pool of blood. Her mother looks outside the window, because of the scream and sees the two teens. She aims the gun, drunkenly, at the two of them and fires, luckily they duck right in time. Then, they run like hell.

“Soliloquy, get your fucking ass back here right this minute, before I shoot a bullet in it!” Her moms voice rang out.

“Q, you have to go, get out of here now!” Sidney grabs her arm and tugs on her so she is facing him, “Go now.”

“I’m not going without you Sid.”

“Yes you are, you have a future that’s brighter than this town, I don’t. Now leave.”

“But I love you Sidney.” Her voice shakes and her blue and gold speckled eyes search his dark brown ones.

“I love you too Q, you know that,” He shoves his hand into his pocket and fishes out two hundred dollar bills, hands them to her, then pushes her forward, “Now go, leave. Thats all I made from the car, I’m sorry I can’t give you more. Run to the bus station and get far away from here.”

“No Sid, you don’t understand I’m in lov-” Soliloquy is cut off by another gunshot, and by the sound of it, the gun was in close proximities.

Sidney presses a kiss to her forehead, runs his fingers through her ponytail one last time, and then whispers, “I love you too, be safe,” before turning his back on her and running back to his home.

With no other choice, Soliloquy runs, and doesn’t stop until she reaches the bus station. She buys a one way ticket to New York City, and only looks back once, hoping to see her best friend and childhood crush one last time. But just because life likes to screw you over, she doesn’t see him, and she doesn’t bother to look back again.

On the long bus ride, Soliloquy comes up with new lyrics to a song that her mother used to sing her;

There are no raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses.

It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses

At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains

And a few more of your least favorite things.

Hello, this is a story that randomly popped into my head at 9'oclock at night, i hope you like it.

If you do like it then give me a vote and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT. (I love comments)

This chapter is based on the song: Build God, Then We'll Talk by Panic! At The Disco!

Thanks and enjoy,

xoxo E

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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