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This story is purely made by yours truly. Anything in this story must not be taken. Or you will feel my wrath! I apologise for the errors. This is my first time writing a story. And please, please, please I am very open to what you think of this so don't be shy to share! I'm not gonna bite. Except if you're a blabbering whale who doesn't know how to appreciate someone's work and is just existing to bring people down, then I will bare my fangs, and bite you in your ass! (If there's any) Hahhahahha anyways, enjoy!


"A time will come
when gold will crumble to dust.
The eternal lake
will swallow the golden kingdom as it glows,
And life will be lost.

Remember this, my queen.
The prophesy will start as the sun darkens, and darkness will be given to all..."

The youngest sister stopped talking and heaved a heavy breath. Fear erupted from her bones as she spoke in a different voice.

She didn't know what she's talking about. But even if she tried to stop herself, her mouth seemed not to respond. It's as if someone's talking through her.

A face full of mingled love and pity reached for her.

It was the 1st queen. Her dearest oldest sister.

The queen tenderly carressed her, fearing she might bruise her sunken cheeks. A tear slid down from her eyes. Her heart bled for her sister.

"Shhh now my little sister, it's alright. I'm here", she whispered, her voice quivering, as she slowly lay by her side.

A lone tear dropped from the queen's eye. This is the day she feared the most.

The day when her little sister will finally have her last breath.

The doctor had already told them before, and she cried and cried and cried until no more tears came.

A queen must not be weak, that's what she says to herself. But when it comes to her fragile little sister, her heart always breaks. She was always the sick child in the family. Always the one left out.

And now that she's dying in her arms, the queen couldn't stop another wave of tears flowing.

She was scared and creeped out. Her little sister's eyes were glowing red and her speaking voice lowered a lot. But despite it all, she craddled her in her arms.

Her little sister, who was staring out of the window suddenly jerked her head and faced the queen at her side. Her eyes full of worry and impatience.

"The last hope! She's the last hope, my queen!", her eyes brimmed with tears.

The queen's brows furrowed, "What are you talking about, Lat-"

"A princess! Hair as golden as the rising sun. Eyes as blue as the ocean. Skin as pale as snow. Oh! What a beauty she is, my queen! Our savior!"

She said those last words as if she could imagine the girl in her mind. Her eyes that were filled of worry suddenly lifted, and in it replaced a glimmer of hope.

Merleiah: The Fall Of The Rising KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now