II. Chaos

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Chaos went on like a domino. The fishermen shouted and panicked. Herding the crowd towards their golden castle in the east.

It's still a long way before they could reach it. The King will save us, they thought. But no one went to the castle to deliver the message of danger that's to come. It's too late.

Too late.

Everyone was succumbed by the darkness.


The King didnt know what to do. His wife, the queen, is too weak to bear the child. Even with the help of the Dydeon healers.

"Why are you not doing anything!? My wife is dying!"

He faced the queen laying in the bed: her face was soaked with sweat. Her lips were pallid and chapped. Her eyes tightly closed and her teeth greeted in pain.

The sight broke the King's heart. He could not do anything but scream in anger and frustration. What would become of me without my queen?

The King slowly walked towards her wife when suddenly, her face twisted and her body arched. She screamed, ear-piercing and heart breakinghen she fell into unconsciousness.

The King ran towards her and held her hand tightly.

"Do something!", he shouted to the healers.

The healers remained calm and stoic. Their expressions could never be determined because their faces were always cold. Their expressions were always neutral. They don't laugh, smile, cry, or anything.

There were three of them. They said their healing powers were blessed by the gods for they're the only ones who could heal a royal. They have a great deal of power inside their bodies that seemed only made of bones.

They always wore black cloaks with their hoods up, and their eyes were forever lifeless.

Golden blood could heal cuts and bruises on its own. But with grave injuries and diseases, the Dydeon healers act like a life-preserver for them all.

The healer's hands were placed on the round belly of the queen. It emitted different color of glows: gold, silver, blue, green, and red.

But it did nothing. The healers didn't feel anything from the queen. But in that tiny little thing inside her, great power lies within that anyone, even the healers, couldn't imagine.

The middle healer gasped, her mouth slightly open, her eyes wide with shock.

The King was also shocked as it was the first time he had seen a healer react. But in a blink of an eye, the expression suddenly vanished.

The middle healer looked at the youngest and oldest healer. And in that one look, they understood each other.

In a blink, they stood up. Their eyes glowed red. The King who thought they were going to attack, sheathed his sword and pointed it at them, shielding the body of his queen.

But the King was shocked to hear their next words. The three spoke in a misty tone.

"A time will come when gold will crumble to dust..."

The castle suddenly trembled, but the King stood his guard. I will let no one harm my queen and child.

The castle's outer part which is made of gold turned to dust. The King looked outside and noticed that the sun was no longer shining. It was pitch black and eerily cold. It's still in the middle of the afternoon. What-

He gasped. The west wing of the castle was crumbling to dust. Big chunks of gold fell and before it landed on the grass, it turned into black dust.

The castle trembled stronger. The King stayed rooted on his spot, too shocked to think. The healers' voices woke him up.

"The eternal lake will swallow the golden kingdom as it glows..."

A prophesy. The door banged open and the High Commander came into view.

"Your highness, we must leave now"

"Take the queen and lead her to my brother! Make sure she's safe!"

"But your highness, you must also leave! The castle is drowning!"

"The healers are making a prophesy! Shut up!"

"We could all hear it, my king! The entire kingdom could hear their voices!", the High commander looked at the three healers apprehensively.

The King looked at them once again and decided to leave with her queen.

Despite the trembling castle, the King remained his balance. He carried the queen with both of her hands and faced the High commander, who's now shaking and shouting at the three healers to stop talking and leave immediately.

The King realised they couldn't be stopped.

"Geler! Leave them and protect us! I'm carrying the queen."

Without further ado, the King stepped out of his chamber and ran.

He dodged all the falling debris. And realised that only the gold were breaking, which is still not good because the castle is mostly made of gold.

He turned left and ran as fast as he could. He turned right, then right, then left and he stopped at his tracks.

The golden staircase was nowhere to be seen. He looked back and saw the high commander in panic. The King frowned.

"Just make a goddamn portal, Gerel."

The King's words seemed like a bucket of cold water that got splashed into his face. Gerel opened his hands and a soft purple light flooded the dark night. Suddenly, a violet light that almost looked like black bursted from his hands and in front of them, stood the portal towards anywhere they wanted to go.

The King went to the portal with the queen held in his hands. Geler followed him shortly after.


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