STRUGGLE: Untitled

28 2 7

*(Sorry for the awkward periods, but Wattpad wasn't letting me make stanzas.)*



Apparently, I'm unimportant

and stupid and weird and

wrong all at



Because you're better than

I am and you need to make

sure that I know the



Can I be untitled for once?


I don't want a label on my forehead

because I'm different.


Yes, I'm quieter,

my work looks different than yours

and my thoughts don't always line up

with your views.


But I am still a human being

with valuable gears ticking in her head,

creating something that perhaps you

haven't yet thought of.


Don't tell me that I'm wrong and stupid

if you don't know yourself.

Don't make me feel worthless and useless

because you don't know what to do with me.


You make me feel fragile,

vulnerable and unwanted,


And I tell myself, perhaps I am.



you're right,

like you

always are.


Good days always seem to end with salt

on cheeks and chins and noses,

surfacing from the glassy irises and

swollen pupils.


I shouldn't be letting you

get to me like this.

You're not worth it.

I should tell myself that.


But I don't.

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