Chapter 1

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A/N: This story was written by the reqest of @14komalpreet and the title is undetermined at the moment; but for now it will be called Alpha By Day. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1

The words "You are the new alpha", continue to run through my head. This can't be happening, I can't be the alpha; if I were that would mean something has happened to my father. I drop to my knees; please no. Please tell me this is all just some twisted dream; I'm only seventeen. As much as I want to be the alpha, I don't think I'm ready for this responsibility. I take a few breaths to try to calm down. I hear a knock on the door, and I quickly get up.

"Kai", my little sister calls from the other side of the door, "Can I come in"?

I open the door and notice she has been crying. I crouch down and take her into my arms, "It's okay Cas". She lays her head on my shoulder and tears fall on to my shirt. I have to stay strong, not only for her but for everyone. I'm the top person in the pack now; everyone is going to look up to me. Cas turns her head and I find myself lost in her grey eyes. I feel something pushing on me. I shake my head, "Sorry Cas", I say as I let her go.

She smiles and shakes her head, "It's alright. Do you think he's watching over us"?

I nod, "I know he is". I turn and look at the clock, "You need to get to bed". I pick Cas up and walk down the hall, taking her to her room. I set her on the bed and begin to walk out. "Good night", I whisper turning out the light and shutting the door. I walk down the hall and notice my sister Kelsey's room door open. I slightly knock on the door and welcome myself in. There is no sign of Kelsey anywhere; I shake my head, where could she have gone. I look around the room again and notice her curtains moving. Of course, I walk over to the window and move back the curtains. I step out of the window and onto the roof. I notice a figure sitting up near the tip of the roof. I carefully walk up to sit next to her, "Is there a reason you're up here"?

"I like to look at the stars when I'm upset. The real question is, why aren't you freaking out", she asks turning to me.

I look at her and then at the sky, "I guess I just know dad would want me to not be upset because of him". I catch a glimpse of her short smile and playfully punch her in the arm.

She turns to me and moves her turquoise tipped blonde hair out of her face, "Was that really necessary"?

I shrug my shoulders and begin to get up. I kiss her head, "Good night Kels. Don't stay out here too late". She salutes me jokingly; I shake my head and carefully walk back to her window. I take one last look at the sky before crawling in through her window. I walk out of her room; quietly closing her door behind me. I walk down the stairs and quietly make my way through the kitchen; trying not to wake my mother up. I freeze; I hadn't even thought about how this is affecting her. I can't begin to imagine how she must be feeling; they met in high school and were married for 21 years, on top of that their three kids that will remind her of him every day. I take a deep breath and continue to walk into the kitchen. I glance at the table and notice my mother is sitting down with a glass of, "Is that champagne", I ask in shock.

She wipes her eyes and nods, "I promised that when the time came I would have a glass and read the letters he wrote me". My mother smiles and gets back to reading a letter. I never realized how strong of a woman she was, "Kai", my mother whispers. I turn to her with wide eyes, "Your father wrote you something".

I walk over to her and take the letter from her hand, "Thanks". I set the letter on the island bar and grab a mug out of the cabinet; I walk to the fridge and pour a glass of orange juice into the mug. I grab the letter off the island bar and begin to walk back upstairs, "Good night Mom". I hear her mumble something, but I am too focused on what could be in the letter to ask her to repeat herself. I walk into my room; shutting the door behind me. I set the orange juice on my nightstand and plop onto my bed. I slowly open the letter, "Kai, if you're reading this it means my time on the earth is up; but remember don't cry for me because I enjoyed every bit of my life. I need you to be strong and watch over your sisters and mother for me; they're going to need you. Though this in itself is a huge responsibility, I also need you to take my role as Alpha of the pack. Don't be afraid of messing up; and remember you can't please everyone, just do what you feel would be the best for the pack as a whole. You're going to make a great alpha and I am proud to call you my son. I wish you the best in life and I hope you find a love as true as the one your mother and I shared. Love, Dad". I set the letter down next to my drink; and smile knowing that my father thinks I will be a good alpha. I'll never be as good as he was; but hey, maybe I could be half as good. I check the time, eleven forty-two. I should probably head to bed seeing as I have school tomorrow but instead I get up from my bed to turn my playstation 4 on. I grab the control from my nightstand and lounge on my bed.

"I do not foresee this turning out well", my wolf says.

I shake my head, "No one asked your opinion Theo", I argue.

"You know you're already not a morning person", he yells.

I instantly get a migraine, “There isn’t enough room in my head for you to yell”.  I turn the playstation off and set the controller back on my nightstand.  He is always right and sometimes I hate it.  I take my shirt off and throw it on my floor.  I pull the comforter back and crawl into bed.  I lie there for a few minutes; thoughts begin to cloud my mind, preventing me from sleeping.  I think back to when I saw my father in the hospital before he left; he knew he was dying but he still stayed so happy.  I don’t understand it and I probably never will.  I continue to reflect on all of the memories dealing with my dad until eventually I fall asleep.

[O1] .

[O1]A/N: This is my first werewolf story; and I wasn't really sure how to start it, but here it is. Thank you for reading it.

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