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It has been three years of our relationship.

I couldn't believe that tomorrow we are going to be parted away as Taehyung got himself into Seoul University while I get to further my study at Yonsei University.

Tomorrow we need to move into our dorm, but I am not ready yet...


After I settled down everything at my dorm, I made my way to the main hall for new student orientation.

I walked there alone as I couldn't make any friend yet.

'I wish Taehyung is here', I let out a sigh.

As I was walking, I felt someone touched (poking to be exact) my shoulder.

I turned around but to see Taehyung with his rectangular smile.

"Yah! What are you doing here?!", I smacked his arm.

"Ow! I thought you would be happy to see me", he pouted.

"Yes, I am happy! But still, what are you doing here? Don't you have orientation day at your university?", I was still confused at the moment.

"But I am a student here",he replied.

"Wait, what?", I asked, still confused.

"Well, I received acceptance letter from both Seoul University and Yonsei University, but I only told you about Seoul University but not Yonsei University, because it shall be a surprise for you!", he explained and then pinch my cheek.

"Ouch! How could you not tell me about this. But still you should go for Seoul University, they will provide you with better courses and it is hard to get into that university too", I said.

"Well, I don't care of all that",he said.

"But why Taehyung-ah?",I asked him.

"I just... I couldn't take my eyes off from you even for a second because I know you would get yourself into trouble and I really hate that, Yejin-ah",he confessed which made my eyes to well up with tears.

"Yah! Don't cry",he said while wiped my tears that has escaped from my eyes.

"Now, kaja (let's go)!",then he took my hand into his warm hand.

I am glad that Taehyung is here with me, by my side.

I guess we are now a CC (campus couple).


I hope you guys enjoy reading the epilogue of UNREACHABLE.

And of course, thank you guys for your endless support for UNREACHABLE!!

I really really do appreciate and of course I do love everyone single one of you ><

Till we meet again with another epilogue or UNREACHABLE 2 I guess...? Should I or should I not?


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