Knowing about the center of the earth

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Hello(: I'm the author of the book and other books. I bet you'll like this book because it's gonna be great! :)


        Hi, I'm Miley and I'm eight years old.  " Miley"  Hey grampa, can you tell me about the center of te Earth?  "Grampa"  Come here Miley, and I'll show you a book about the Earth.  " Miley "  Oh' here it is. Wow... this looks amazing! " Miley " Grampa, isn't it amazing?  " Grampa "  Yes Miley it is amazing.  "Jermey"  Hey Miley, what are you looking at ?  " Miley "  We're looking at book that has pictures of the center of the Earth.  "Jermey "  That sounds cool!  " Grampa "  Oh it is cool to look at, but how would you feel if we went there?  " Miley " That sounds wunderful grampa!

    " Jermey "  But how are we going to get there?  " Kallie ''  What's going on in here?  " Miley"  We're going to the center of the Earth.  " Kallie "  Where are you taking us grandpa?  " Grandpa "  We will, if we can my old map.  "Grampa "  It's a map of the way to center of  the world.  " Jermey "  What will we use to get there? We'll use my drilling car to get there.  " Miley " What is a drilling car?  " Grampa "  A drilling car is car with a big drill attached to the front of it.  " Jermey "  Let's go get and go to the center of the Earth.

      " Grampa "  Everybody in the drilling car.  " Jermey "  Yes, everyone is in it .  " Miley "  I'm so excited to the center of the world. Aren't  you excited Kallie?  " Kallie "  This is really exciting. How long intil we're there grampa?  " Grampa "  We're barely  underground, so I'm guessing about half a day. " Jermey "  It's going to take twelve hours!  " Grampa "  Yes Jermey it is twelve hours. Your good at dividing.  " Grampa "  Were part way there  hang on tight.   " Miley "  I'm getting sleepy. I'm going to take a nap.   

  " Jermey "  Miley, wake up.  We're almost there wake up!  " Miley "  Yawn...  we're almost there?  " Miley "  I'm hungry grampa. Is there anything to eat?  " Grampa "  I brought a bag with some sandwiches in it.  " Kallie "  Miley can you pass me the bag because I'm starving.


Bye(: That's the end of this chapter. Thanks for reading! :)

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