Part 7

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Mark stood at the baggage claim waiting for Jack.  With his earbuds in, he listened to a playlist playing on his phone.  He had been waiting for an hour.  When he tilted his head back against the wall and saw Jack walking down the steps.  Mark moved away from the wall with a smile, but it faded just as quickly.  Jack looked... so unsettled.  Mark slowly approached him, asking him tenderly.  "Jack? What's going on"?  Jack stepped off the last step, telling him in a sleepy voice.  "I've been so tired lately. I think I'm sick, but none of the meds are working".  Mark placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him flat out.  "Jack, you should see a doctor then".  Jack walked to the nearest bench to sit as he told him a bit snippy.  "Gee, why didn't I think of that? I have been. He doesn't know what's wrong. He thinks I'm working myself sick and that I just need time off". 

Mark dropped down onto the bench beside him, saying a little hurt.  "No need to get angry at me. I was just saying...".  Jack leaned forward to put his head into his hands, muffling out apologetic.  "I'm sorry. I'm just all over the place these last few weeks".  Mark discreetly rubbed Jack's back, sweetly telling him.  "Maybe you are working too hard. I'm sure the flight didn't do you any favors either".  Jack dropped his hands to give Mark a wide eyed look of irritation as he answered.  "No fucking kidding! I couldn't even look at the food without getting sick! Then I got this seat next to this guy... He just couldn't sit still and it was driving me crazy! I thought I was going to loose it"!  Mark opened his mouth to comment, but Jack quickly added in a much softer and hopeful tone.  "Oh! Can we make a stop to get something to eat before going to your house? I'm starving"! 

Mark nodded, about to ask where Jack felt like going, but Jack added in again suspiciously.  "That's another thing too. I'm hungry almost all the time now".  Mark reluctantly chuckled, patting Jack's shoulder.  Jack stared at him for a long moment, before asking really worried.  "I'm I talking too much? What were you going to say"?  Mark glanced around for a second to make sure no one was looking.  Then Mark leaned in to briefly kiss Jack's cheek, sweetly telling him.  "No. I'm just listening".  Jack's cheeks burned a bright red and he rolled his eyes, muttering out under his breath.  "You liar".  Mark gestured to the conveyor, asking Jack innocently.  "What bag did you bring? I'll go get it".  Jack gave him a grateful smile, replying calmly.  "The large deep blue one with a Septic Sam painted on the lock". 

Mark nodded and walked to the conveyor to look for it.  While waiting, he shot a quick glance back at Jack.  He was dressed like he always was.  The only thing different was that he seemed to be wearing a sweater that was a bit bigger than his frame and was very withdrawn.  Mark found Jack's bag rather quickly and was thankful for it.  Lately it was getting harder and harder to avoid fans.  Sure, he loved his fans... but everyone needed some alone time every now and again.  Together Mark escorted Jack to his car, driving him to the diner closest to his house.  Jack hadn't been kidding either.  He ordered enough for two people to eat and even kept sneaking fries off his plate.  Mark couldn't help wondering if Jack was overworked.  Stress eating was a sign of that, right?  Mark took a sip of his drink, curiously prodding him discreetly.  "Has everything been going alright"? 

Jack shrugged, taking a few more fries from Mark's plate as he answered.  "Ya, sure. I mean, the add-pocalypse was a bitch to deal with... but I'm surviving".  Mark shook his head, setting his glass down, before adding gently.  "That's not what I meant, Jack. YouTube aside. Has something been bothering you"?  Jack balanced a fry between his lips, looking lost in thought for a moment.  Mark had just decided to eat a few fries himself, when Jack told him uneasily.  "I guess... I've had a lot on my mind lately".  Mark nodded, hoping Jack would continue, but he didn't.  So, he decided to change the subject up a little.  After all, Jack was here to relax.  Not talk about work.  "I'm glad you suggested this. I've been dying to sleep in for a week or two".  Jack rolled his eyes, mumbling out with a smirk.  "I thought that was why all your videos were late"?  Mark tossed a fry at him, muttering back.  "Very funny. You of all people should know better". 

Jack shifted to lean his elbows on the table as he smugly answered with a smug grin.  "You're right. What was it now... Oh, ya. Porn".  Mark shared a chuckle with Jack, before gently kicking his shin beneath the table.  Jack rubbed his shin, then told him a bit reluctantly.  "I'll be right back".  Jack quickly climbed from the booth and Mark watched him make his way to the mens room.  Despite Mark knowing that Jack wanted and always split the check, Mark took the time to pay for lunch himself.  Jack could complain about it, but he had enough things to worry about apparently.  When he started boxing up the rest of their lunch, Jack finally returned, grumbling out.  "Sorry about that. Liquids lately just seem to go right through me".  Mark handed Jack the remains of their lunch, casually stating.  "Oh no. You're getting old, Jack".  Jack shoved Mark into the booth table, playfully snipping out.  "Just wait until it happens to you! Then I'll be the one laughing". 

Mark chuckled, starting to lead the way out, when Jack gestured toward the cashier.  Mark gestured toward the door, saying happily.  "I took care of it. Let's go".  Jack shot him a fowl scowl, but followed him outside before snapping back.  "Why did you do that? I ate more than you did! You should have let me pay my share".  Mark rolled his eyes, asking dryly.  "This is going to bug you all the way back to the house, isn't it"?  Jack nodded with a semi-serious smirk.  Mark stopped to lean on his car, facing Jack as he replied sweetly.  "So...Make it up to me tonight".  Jack lowered his eyes to the pavement as his cheeks began to burn a bright red.  Jack glanced around the parking lot for on-lookers, but Mark just quickly leaned in to whisper in his ear.  "I meant you could buy dinner".  Jack turned those sharp beautiful blue eyes on him.  Mark couldn't help smiling as Jack's eyes narrowed in on him with suspicion. 

Casually, Mark straightened off his car to add in innocently.  "Pizza sound good for tonight? I don't plan on going out".  Jack swatted him between the shoulder blades as he moved around toward the driver side.  Mark glanced back with a smile, seeing Jack try to suppress a bright blushing smile of his own.  Whatever troubles Jack was dealing with, he hoped he could help him overcome it.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                      

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