Chapter Five

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" The Heck?" I yelled at the voice as I felt the coldness of pavement meet my face. I grunted in pain as it faded away.

" And why are my injuries healing? What the hell is going on! Explain!" I exclaimed, standing up and tossing my blonde ponytail behind my shoulder.

The voice never have a reply, as I shivered at the sudden thought.

" Your loved ones are dead. You are to start anew. If you do not choose to follow your path as Lady Deadpool, I will make your life nothing but pain and misery " Said a booming voice, that thundered around the woods.

I mumbled a curse under my breath and kept walking, noticing that my clothes had changed. I was in a red and black suit, with grenades and bullets attached to it. Not to mention the twin katana blades on my back.

It was all so confusing. But that second voice made me so fearful, pain and misery. Something I had already suffered too much of. I didn't want any more.

I blinked a few times as I saw a gate, a man standing beside it and talking to a few people. I crept up to him and tapped his shoulder.

" Yes?" He asked.

" Uhm, where am I?" I asked softly as he rose an eyebrow, a bit confused.

" Well your in New Yorks national park of course!" he said and smiled. I nodded. New York?

There was a sudden smoke of red as my surroundings disappeared and a big bustling city surrounded me.

" The hell just happened?" I mumbled.

' Well, ya teleported of course '

" Voice? The first one right?" I asked.

' Yup '

I sighed, a bit relaxed now.

' Anyways, if you want to blend in and become known, I know a few people. In fact there's another you here. But I suggest either bugging Cap, Stark, or Web-head '

" Uhm, okay. I'll just like randomly teleport to them " I exclaimed

' Alright! Let's get going!'


Authors note:

OHMYGOSH. IM SO SORRY. THIS CHAPTER WAS RUSHED SO I COMPLETED IT IN LIKE TWO MINUTES. I'm sorry for the awful chapter. I'll make the next one very long. And better. It's one o clock in the morning here so...yeah.

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