Chapter One

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”Annabelle, it’s almost time to go down.” One of the workers stated as she peeped her head into my large room to see if I was almost ready.

”Thank you, Liz. I’ll be down in just a moment.” I replied as I glanced at myself in the mirror with a nervous look.

”You look fine, Anna. Better than fine, you look outstanding.” She said with a reassuring smile.

I shot her a nervous smile back and nodded. ”Thank you.”

Usually I wasn’t so nervous for these type of events. But this wasn’t just any ordinary event, this was the celebration of my eighteenth birthday.

Now if you’re thinking ‘why stress over that? It’s just another year to add on to your life.’ I’ll have you know that it’s not ‘just another year.’

Four years ago my father, the king of Monaco, our small country just off the border of France, died. My mother became queen but agreed that on my eighteenth birthday I’d be coordinated as queen of Monaco. 

So now do you see why I’m so nervous?

I know I’m mature enough for the title of queen, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle ruling a whole country all on my own. Of course I’d still have my mother to help, but still, it just won’t be the same.

”Madam?” Liz asked after a few minutes.

I snapped out of my thoughts, straightened my light pink dress one last time, and put on a strong face as I exited my room and began descending the stairs towards where the coronation would take place.

As I reached the bottom, I was quickly met with my mother. 

”Oh, honey. You look beautiful.” she said as she took a long look at me.

I fidgeted with my hands and gave her a smile in response. ”Thank you.”

”I’d have to agree with that.” I heard a familiar voice say. I looked to my right and was greeted with my friend Charles who was the prince of another small country that was near ours.

Charles and I had been best friends ever since we were in diapers practically, since we were the same age and all.

I blushed a bit and gave another small smile. ”Thanks, Charlie.” I stated, using the nickname I gave him.

He gave me a cheesy grin in response and grabbed my hand. ”So, are you ready?” he casually asked as we began walking towards the gardens.

”Not at all.” I stated, honestly.

He gave a small chuckle and glanced down at me. ”I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re going to make a great queen.”

”I hope so.” I responded, unsure.


”Honored guests, family, friends; I present to you princess Annabelle Rosanne Emilé, heir to the throne of Monaco. She is willing to be your queen. If any person has a reason to object, let them step forward and be heard.” said the man who was about to crown me queen.

My whole body was shaking and I had been silently hoping no one had noticed.

As I snapped out of my thoughts, I noticed a man jump up and pull a sword out of his back pocket as he aimed it towards me.

I screamed and ducked, as if I saw it coming at me in slow motion. The sword managed to pin the crown that was inches away from my head to the wall that was behind me.

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