Chapter 12: The Horse and the Dove

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The cheering crowds yell praises and throw wreaths to the returning soldiers walking through the parade. Many stories had been told of Harry's bravery, as well as that of his men, and all of Capua was celebrating. They were being adorned with flowers and paints of all colors while Harry proudly led them through the central street. His men began to disperse when they saw their families, joining the crowds, but Harry and Liam only wanted to get to the villa.

The Villa came into sight and Harry doesn't think he's ever been so excited. He feels like a huge weight has been lifted, and he no longer has to worry about so many things. He stopped at the bottom of the steps to the Villa, removed his helmet, and looked out at the gathering crowd. The entire city had come out to greet them.

"Citizens and like of Capua! My men and I return to you heroes! Your brothers, sons, and fathers fought bravely to protect our glorious empire. We thank you for your gracious welcome home, and I hope you continue this into the night. Nobody should be getting any sleep tonight, nor for the next week!" The crowd screamed even louder as Harry turned around and walked the rest of the stairs with Liam.

"You and your speeches, Brother." Liam chuckled as they entered the Villa.

"The Gods blessed me many gifts my friend." Harry said.

The Villa was... different from outside. It seemed colder somehow, and nobody was in sight to greet them. Both men shared a puzzled look as they walked through the front hall. Harry went to the courtyard and found all of his slaves and guards lined up, along with Zayn, Perrie, and Niall. Finally he and Liam let out their breaths and smiled to everyone.

"Good to see all of you!" Harry said happily. Everyone smiled back at him half heartedly which was odd... but Harry didn't think much of it. "Oh Perrie! Look at you, absolutely radiant!"

She had grown quite a bit since he left, sporting a round bump where her baby was. She rubbed a soft hand over it and blinked sadly up at him. "You flatter me Harry."

Harry hugged her carefully and congratulated Zayn. The energy in the room started picking up a little bit, but it was still very tense, hard to breathe in. That is to everyone but Harry and Liam, the latter of which walked over to embrace Niall for the first time in so long, holding on tightly.

"Looks like you've done a fine job of watching over my city. Everybody seems very pleased with the celebrations." Harry said to Zayn.

"Th-thank you sir, but--" Zayn started, although Harry was quick to cut him off.

"And Niall!" Harry turned around to look at the couple. "The Villa looks very well kept up, you've always been a good servant to me though."

"Yes, Harry but--"

"Where's Louis?" Harry asked, smile faltering a bit. He looked around at the other people, none of which would make eye contact with him. He looked closer at each of them, even his friends were nervous, and his heart was racing. What was going on with them? "Where is Louis?" He asked slower this time, voice rough and angry. Now people were looking up, but not Harry, just around at each other. Liam even stepped back from a very frightened Niall. "I'll ask one more time you incompetent fools. Where is Louis?"

Niall was the bravest one, who pushed past Liam to talk to Harry. "It's my fault, sir, this is all my fault."

Liam grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him back. "What are you talking about Ni?"

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