They Confess

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I was so nervous as I felt myself shaking all over. It was the break time as it was going to be the final event which was the battle tournament. "Deku," I heard my name happily called as I looked over to see Ochako in a cheerleader outfit which was for the school as Tenya was tagging along as well. "O-oh hey, what's up," I asked as I was kind of stressing out about the final fights but calmed down a little bit with my friends here as Tenya pulled out a bouquet of flowers as I was confused, those couldn't be for me. "u-uhh what are those for," I asked as the two laughed a bit as Tenya held them out to me. "Today's the day you tell (y/n) how you feel," Ochako said shaking the pompoms she held as she looked cute as I started to wonder if (y/n) was wearing the same outfit as well. "I-I don't know you guys, there's a lot o-of people. A-and what if she doesn't feel the same and turns me down, I'll be so embarrassed in front of millions," I said as I felt my face turning red as I didn't think it was a good time. "Oh don't be silly Deku! Everything will be perfectly fine. Just go up to her, give her the flowers and ask her out," Ochako said smiling brightly as she continued. "Besides what girl wouldn't want to be asked out in front of peers and friends and receiving flowers, it's totally romantic," She said while I took a breather and then I took the bouquet and held them. I looked at my two friends and smiled and gave a firm nod deciding I would go through with it since the two were so generous to buy the flowers for me to give to (y/n). With that we made our way to the yard were all the events have been held so far so I could finally confess to my crush my feelings for her.

It didn't take us long as we walked out to see everyone doing whatever as I saw (y/n) in the distance as I felt my face get hotter as my attention focused on her; she was indeed dressed in the same cheerleader uniform as the other girls as it fit her perfectly and made her look so pretty. I felt hands on my back pushing me forwards as I looked behind me to see Tenya and Ochako encouraging me to go on and tell her as I gulped a little as my nerves started to set in but I couldn't back down now. I nodded as I look forward and made my way to (y/n) as I watched her (h/l) (h/c) hair shimmer in the sunlight as it softly moved against the soft breeze. The other girls stopped to watch and moved away from (y/n) as she seemed confused. "U-ummm h-hey (y/n)," I said as I cleared my throat a bit as I hid the flowers behind my back as I watched her turn to see me as she gave me a beautiful smile. "Oh hey Deku what's up? You ready for the final event, I know you'll do great out there," she said as I felt my face heat up as I nodded lightly as she was also another one who made it in by two people dropping out. "Y-yeah though I'm a l-little nervous.. Yeah the best of luck to both of us... Though t-that's not why I'm here," I said as she tilted her head to the side. "T-these are for you," I stuttered as I moved and held out the bouquet of flowers to her as the girls watching awed as (y/n)'s face started to turn a light pink color. "O-oh thank you, they're beautiful," she said smiling as she took them and put them closer to her face to smell them. "O-of course, w-well I really wanted to give them to you a-and," I said as I started to get scared but I breathed going on as I said, "I r-really like you (y/n) (l/n)! You're really nice, you're talented as your quirk is outstanding! A-at first I was scared to tell you since I always thought you were out of my league... b-but I always thought you were so pretty and amazing; s-so would you please b-be my girlfriend," I blurted out as I just had to get it out as I heard the girls squealing as it was kind of embarrassing. She seemed shocked but it immediately turned as she smiled brightly as her cheeks got more rosy as she came up to me. "Deku that's so sweet, though you never have to be scared to talk to me about anything," she said as I started to get worried as she didn't give an answer yet till I heard one of the girls say something. "The kiss cam is playing," as it sounded most likely Ochako's voice as I looked up and my face got warmer to see it was on us, what do I do?! Though my mind went completely numb when I felt soft lips press against my cheek and my face went red as a tomato as I looked at (y/n) stunned. She giggled while looking at me as she said, "Also I'd love to be your girlfriend." As I felt myself smile brightly and hugged her happily as an out roar of cheers and whistling could be heard.  

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