Mirio Catch Up

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Your Quirk:

Puppeteer- Your quirk allows you to animate objects and or dead things which a lot of the times are animals with the strings that come out of your fingers. The bigger the object or whatever you're controlling, the more energy and strings you needs as you won't be able to control too many of them compared to you controlling something like dolls which roughly you'd be able to control five to possibly ten at once. If you're to use your quirk too much you'll become light headed and pass out thus cutting control.

First Meet:

It was freshman year and it was all so exciting and only being able to imagine the great things to come from the year flashed through my head. Walking into the classroom with my best friend Tamaki the room wasn't completely full but there were a good amount of students already there. Noticing my friend trying to leave I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulling him close. "Come on now it's our first day you can't just leave now buddy," I said cheerfully trying to boost his confidence a bit though he still seemed to appear flustered. "Hey there! Welcome to the class," I suddenly heard the cheerful female voice as I looked forward to see two girls arms linked together stood before us. 

"I'm Nejire Hado," the blue haired girl who seemed to be the one to welcome us said introducing herself before I looked over to the (h/l) (h/c) haired girl that had the most interesting (e/c) eyes. The (taller/shorter) girl seem to let out a small nervous laugh before giving a small wave and then saying, "As I'm (y/n) (l/n). Welcome to 1-a." Taking in their names I nodded my head and smiled bright towards the girls. "It's a pleasure to meet you both! I'm Mirio Togata and this is my best friend Tamaki Amajiki," I introduced the both of us as Tamaki just seemed to let out a small squeak and tried to hide. Before any more words could be exchanged the bell rung signalling that classes were to begin.

Hero Outfit:

Hero Outfit:

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Meet Again:

It was later that day when everyone was heading home and I had gone separate ways from Tamaki now walking on my own. While admiring the beautiful evening that it was I started to space out thinking over on how great the day was as I had already started making new friends and everything was all so exciting. I suddenly started to hear crying which pulled me out of my thoughts starting to look around for the source of crying concerned for whoever it was. breaking out into a small jog I looked all around me until I turned a corner to see up in the distance a small child was sitting on the ground crying while holding their knee. My eyes widened when I saw (y/n) had rushed over to the kid and knelt down in front of them. "Hey there what's wrong, did you fall and get hurt," I heard her ask as she had such a smooth voice. The kid nodded in a yes manner while wiping their face with their sleeve. "Thankfully I got a spare band aid," she said cheerfully digging into her bag and pulling it out and peeled the paper off and put it on the little kid's knee.I couldn't help but smile while watching the scene before me. "Hey you wanna see something cool," I suddenly heard (y/n) ask with a big smile when the little one nodded in a yes manner. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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