Chapter 1 ~A New Life~

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Skylar sighed before walking into her new school. She moved here just yesterday. New neighborhood, new house, new school. It was very overwhelming. But she hiked her new designer lightning bolt backpack up on her shoulders as she walked into her new school. She was a little worried because today was Friday and she did start on the first week. But a few days late.

She was usually home schooled. But she was always complaining that she had no friends because their old neighborhood had two houses with kids in them. Both the kids were younger than her so she didn't see them much. Besides the older one was almost always traveling. Otherwise, all the houses were filled with elderly and adults. She did go to church but she had one best friend named Azami. When she first met Azami, she thought Azami was a very strange name for a girl. But then Azami told her that's what her friends called her and her real name was Genevieve. Azami asked Skylar to call her Azami instead of Genevieve. Skylar agreed.

So she walked into her brand new school. She was very nervous. She never went to school so she didn't know what it was supposed to be like. She walked in and was very surprised to find that the locker area had about ten people in it. from what she read from books school was suppose to be very crowded. So it surprised her that the halls had very few people in it. She walked by everyone with her head down.

She took a test yesterday to see her traits. She found out she was the shy smart but still beautiful type girl. She found out later by her BFF Azami those kinds of girls where always the most popular girls. At least at her school.

She couldn't see where she was going and bumped into the principal.

The principal was an awesome principal she was fun, funny and when she had to be, very serious. She looked about twenty but was about thirty. She had nice longish Blueish gray dyed hair and gray eyes. Not to mention amazing fashion sense! today she had on a gray skirt (long but still cute!) and a cute cat crock top with old brown boots. She looked amazing!

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry Principal Rose!" She said as she helped Principal Rose back up. "Its fine Skylar really no harm was done." said Principal Rose has she got up with the help of Skylar "Thanks for the help Skylar, by the way, your two minutes late, I was coming to try and find you thinking you might have gotten lost." said Principal Rose. "Oh sorry, I couldn't find my shoes. I've never been to school so I didn't know what to bring and in the commotion of finding all my books, I forgot where I put my shoes! Sorry." Skylar apologized hanging her head down, Principal Rose laughed "Its fine. Most kids that come here are never on time!" "Oh." said Skylar revealed "Come on we need to get you to homeroom before the tardy bell rings!" said Principal Rose with a laughing tone. So Skylar walked behind Principal Rose trying to figure out how she dyed her hair that color. As Skylar walked down the hall with Principal Rose she noticed a group of girls whispering and one pointed at her. She was surprised and hoped it wasn't because her outfit was out of date or her makeup was running or the worst something on her face! Has she walked past the girls she noticed the boys. Azami her BFF had told her that boys and school are terrible! She said they were always fighting in the hallways. But has Skylar looked closer she noticed the boys didn't even seem to WANT to mess around. They definitely looked jockish. So she thought they were in football. One of the boys turned his head and saw Skylar staring at him. He didn't say anything he just did a very handsome smile and waved. Surprised Skylar stopped walking and just froze. Then she realized that she was just standing there she waved and hurried to catch up with the Principal. "Ugh I can't believe I stood there looking stupid! I think he might think I look nice!" Skylar thought to herself as she pulled her fingers through her strawberry-blonde curls.

Skylar was very pretty. She had big hazel eyes and she was thinking about dying her hair black so she would be less noticeable. But Azami convinced her to leave her hair alone because she thought it was very cool! So Skylar left her hair alone... Kind of. She decided to get highlights. Caramel highlights. When Azami saw her she was surprised but very happy, After all, Skylar took her advice on not to change her hair just to make it prettier. Although Skylar was laughing the whole time Azami was trying to convince her because Azami was a loner! Meaning two things One. She NEVER had a crush! She just doesn't care about crushes! Two. She ONLY talked to her BFF's! No other people. So how does she know what other people like!

Skylar walked with the Principal to her class. "Principal Rose is there a restroom near here I could use?" asked Skylar politely "Sure Skylar. Go up the hall to those water fountains and look on the right and you'll see the girls bathroom please hurry the bell is going to ring soon." answered Principal Rose while looking at her watch. "Thanks, Principal Rose! Be right back!" Skylar said hurrying to the girl bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, she pulled out a couple of things. Coconut lip gloss, Rose blush and black mascara. She swiped the lip gloss wand over her lips then quickly put some blush on her cheekbones. Then did a quick application of black mascara so her lashes were very fierce! Then she placed everything into her makeup purse that had some lightning bolts on it and slipped the bag into her backpack. Then hurried out of the bathroom so she wouldn't be late for class.

"Sorry about that Principal Rose! I just had to make sure none of my makeup was running or anything." Skylar said once getting back to the Principal. "It's fine Skylar. Most girls just don't care about appearance! So most boys ignore them. But there is a few that care about clothes. NONE of them care about makeup." Answered Principal Rose, smiling "Come on your almost going to be late." Principal Rose said hurrying past Skylar towards class number 106. Skylar quickly followed her into the room. Principal Rose was already in there talking to an interesting man.

He had cool black curly hair. Not out of control curls. Nice boy curls. He had blue eyes and glasses. He was wearing a t-shirt for a band Skylar never heard of. He also had on cool black denim jeans. With neon green high-tops.

"This Is Mr. Perkans. He's your homeroom and P.E teacher." Principal Rose said. Skylar shook Mr. Perkins hand. "My name is Mr. Perkans. David Perkans. You can call me David or Mr. Perkans I don't mind" Mr. Perkans said shaking Skylar's hand. "Hello, Mr. Perkans. My name is Skylar Fukui." Skylar said in reply "Well Skylar, tell us a bit about yourself." Skylar released that there where about twenty other kids in the room. She looked around and noticed the boy that had smiled handsomely smiled at her in the hallway. "Uh." said Skylar not sure what to say. Everyone but the boy burst out laughing, The boy just did his smile. "Why don't you sit down there Skylar?" Mr. Perkans answered pointing to the chair behind the boy. Skylar hurried to her seat and sat down. Putting her backpack on the back of her chair and placing her purse on the floor. Skylar sighed she was tired already and the day had just begun!

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, I've never shown anyone my writing before so I hope that it's okay!

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