Chapter 5 ~ What's going on?! ~

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"Iam VERY disappointed in you too!" Principal Rose said. The assemblyhad ended and Principal Rose had gone to her office. "But-" Loganstarted to say but Skylar shook her head. "What do you have to sayfor yourselves?!" Principal Rose said getting angrier by theminute. "That Jack's lying." Logan said a little upset himself."I don't THINK so! He has a squeaky clean record. I can't say thesame for you Logan" Principal Rose said expecting his 'Lie'. "Um,Principal Rose whats are punishment?" Skylar said nervously. "Threethings" Principal Rose said putting her hands on the table. "THREETHINGS?!" Logan said jumping up from his chair. " But I havestuff to do after school!" "In YOUR case Logan FOUR things."Principal Rose giving him such a pointy look he sat back down. "Sinceyou seem to like being on the roof. You can mop and sweep it."Principal Rose said as Logan's eyes grew wide. "You can also go toround table tomorrow AND you have detention for two weeks." Skylarfrowned. Principal Rose looked at Logan and said " YOU are bannedfrom this weeks basketball game." Logan jumped up. "But I'm theMVP!" Principal Rose put her hand up to quiet him down. "No buts,that is final now go to your classes." Logan and Skylar got up andleft. As they were walking to math Skylar asked Logan " Whats roundtable?" "Its a small group of two teachers, two juniors and twoseniors" Logan answered, "They try and change people instead ofpunishing them, they could take away our detention or give us campuscommission. They do it at lunch in the conference room." Logangrunted. "Now I gotta do my tutoring over the phone." Skylarblinked. Change people? Would that be a good or a bad thing for her?Logan sighed. "Were at math." Logan said pushing Skylar towardsthe door. Skylar walked in and sat down. She wanted to look aroundbut didn't knowing she'd see Jack in the class. Just as the tardybell rang Jack hurried into the class and the tardy bell stoppedringing just as he got in the room. "He was lucky" Logan grumbledto Skylar. "I know." Skylar whispered back then looked at theteacher. He had glasses, and neatly combed hair. He was wearing athree piece suit. A red vest a white shirt and tie. His shoes werealso shined. "Hello class, My name is Mr. Chester." The teachersaid in his booming voice. "Today we are going to be studying for atest tomorrow" Some kids mumbled. Skylar sighed. She couldn't gether mind off her detention. Her parents were going to be mad, Butthey'd understand. They were suppose to visit uncle Jubal but THATwasn't happening anymore. Hmm maybe she can finish detention earlyor... ASK TO START NEXT WEEK! Skylar smiled. Perfect problem solved.As soon as the relief came it faded. Principal Rose wouldn't give herany slack. Might as well try. Then Principal Rose's voice crackled onthe intercom. "Mr. Chester please send Skylar to the office. Thankyou!" "Skylar do you know were the office is?" Mr. Chesterasked. "Yes. I've gone to it twice now." Skylar answer walkingout the door. When she got to the principal's office she wasnervous... had someone said She did something she didn't again? Shetook a deep breath and walked in. "You can go right in Skylar"Said the secretary. "Thank you." Skylar said to the secretarySkylar walked into the Office and was surprised to see Principal RoseNOT angry. Skylar sat down. "Skylar I've been thinking about whatyou said in the assembly and I've decided to talk to the facultyabout it. It was a wonderful idea. Even if you have gotten in troublea great deal I think we should try your idea." Principal Rose saidsmiling. Skylar jumped out of her chair. "You WONT regret itPrincipal Rose!" Principal Rose laughed. "I hope I won't. Now getto class." "Sure thing Principal Rose!" Skylar said walking outbut before she closed the door she stuck her head back in. "UmPrincipal Rose can I start my detention tomorrow?" Principal Roselooked up. "Since your new I'll give you slack. Sure." "Thankyou." Skylar said before walking out to get to her locker. Shestopped when she rounded the corner and hid behind a few lockers andwatched the couple who were arguing. She couldn't see who it was.Then the jockish boy moved and she saw who it was. Julie and Jack.Skylar watched as Julie squeaked in his face and Jack look bored...In till she stomped her foot. THAT got his attention. He put hishands on her shoulders which was High school language for Shh!!!Skylar got closer, She wanted to hear what they were saying. "Comeon Jack! You've come this far! Get her Suspended at that round tablething!" Julie said quietly. "Julie! HOW am I suppose to do that?Yeah I AM on round table but I have to be fair." Jack replied."Hmm, I got it! Get her campus commission then mess up all hertasks!" Julie said grinning. "Fine." said Jack "Now we gottaget to class." He said running down the hall with Julie on hisheels. Class! That's right! Skylar already forgot. She ran to herlocker grabbed the guitar inside and hurried to music. Skylar didn'tmean too but the tears just started coming and she couldn't make themstop. They just kept coming and coming and coming. Once she got toclass then she had gotten cleaned up and looked fine, well... alittle frightened but doesn't everyone once they get Round table???(or detention!)

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