Chapter 4 ~ ♥ Juck ♥ ~

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"Wow.You can see everything up here!" Skylar said looking over the edge."I know I love it up here. Last year you had to ask to come up herebut so many kids didn't ask instead of punishing them they justopened it up so you could go up here during a free period or lunchwithout asking first" Logan said pulling out of his lunch box whatlooked like a peanut-butter sandwich with something white in betweentwo pieces of bread with tons of peanut-butter. "Whats that whitething?" Skylar said eyeing it. Logan's ears turned red. "Swiss. Iate it once 'cause I wanted to have what my brother was having whenhe really was having a egg,cheese and sausage sandwich. I've loved itever since." Logan said taking a bite "Really?" Skylar saidpulling out a sandwich that looked the same. "Me too! Same reasoneven the kind of sandwich!" Skylar said taking a bite out of hersandwich. "Cool! So we like the same things!" Logan said pullinga apple out of his bag. Skylar's eyes grew wide. "I brought a appletoo! Did you bring a apple sauce cup?" Skylar said holding up boththe apple and apple sauce. "Yeah I did." Logan said taking a biteout of the apple and holding the apple sauce. "We both need to cutback on the apples" Logan said doing a goofy smile again. Skylarsmiled back. She finished her apple and apple sauce and was about topull out her desert when she saw that Logan was holding some pudding."You brought pudding too?" Skylar said eyeing the pudding. "Yeah.I brought chocolate cupcake. It takes me forever to eat pudding"Logan said demonstrating. "Wow! I brought the same pudding and eatit the same way!" Skylar said showing him by getting a spoonful andscraping it against the edge. "This is so cool! We like..." Loganstarted to say but was interrupted by Julie "Skylar! You said I'dsee you in the cafe! I was waiting for the hole lunch period!"Julie said ignoring Logan. "Oh sorry Julie!" Skylar said gettingup. "You should be we could have investigated! I finished lunch inten minutes! Now I have photography class!" Julie said rolling hereyes. "Meet me at the flag poll after school" Julie said walkingaway because the bell rang "Don't you have a class?" Skylar saidto Logan. "Nah. Free period. Wanna go hang-out somewhere?" Logansaid standing up. "Sure, I really should look into more classes...I have two free periods!" Skylar said walking with Logan down offcampus. "Hey there's a candy shop! I have a major sweet tooth. Ibrought some money. wanna go in?" Skylar pointing to Lolli &Pops (Its found in real life at pen square mall) "Sure. I have asweet tooth too" Logan said walking across the street to get toLolli & Pops. Skylar saw a car. "Logan!" Skylar said runninginto the street and pushing him with all her might out of the carsway. "Skylar what are you.." Logan said as he fell on the groundat the sidewalk and saw Skylar... still in front of the car. Skylarturned with wide eyes. The driver was looking at his phone and didn'tsee Skylar. Skylar was paralyzed with fear, then she heard Jack."Skylar!" Jack said running towards her and jumping on her makingthem both tumble onto the sidewalk. "Are you okay Skylar? Why whereyou just standing in the middle of the road?" Jack said helpingSkylar up. "I'm fine. Logan started to cross the road withoutlooking both ways and walked right in front of that car I pushed himoutta the way but I forgot to go with him and I saw the car comingand I froze in fear! then you appeared and I'm so happy you savedme!" Skylar said hugging Jack as soon as she let go she blushed."Why didn't you help out Logan?" Jack asked turning his head toLogan. "Dazed" Logan said shrugging. "Okay, I was coming tofind you guys cause you weren't on campus and theirs a assembly inthe Gym." Jack said "So come on!" Jack broke into a sprint andSkylar ran after him with Logan on there heels. When they got the GymSkylar saw Julie. Both boys said they'd save her a seat. Skylar wavedthem on and went to say hi to Julie. "Hey Julie" Skylar saidgoing to her. "Skylar. Change of plans where cutting this assembly"Julie said reaching for Skylar's arm. No doubt to drag her out of theGym. "No. I'm new I need to know what this is about." Skylar saidjerking her arm away before Julie got it. "Fine. Don't find out whoforced Jack" Julie said sprinting outta the Gym. Skylar ran to sitdown before Principal Rose started talking. She found Jack and Logansitting on the middle row bleachers. She ran up to them and sat downin between them. "Hello students. Were going to talk as we do everyyear at the beginning of the year about the fundraiser where going todo. Were doing a bake sale as some of you don't know about. Last yearwe did it and it was a huge success Now that the leader of thefundraiser has graduated we have Maxine taking charge now." Shesaid into the microphone "Great another Maxine project" Jack said"Yeah" Logan said back. Before Maxine started talking Jack gotup. "I uh have to use the bathroom be back in a few." Jackwhispered to Logan and Skylar, hurrying down the bleachers and met upwith someone "As you all know the fundraiser has been a hugesuccess My sister was in charge last year. I plan to double what wegot last year this year!" Maxine said cheerfully and clearly intothe mic. "Okay any questions?" Principal Rose asked lookingaround. Skylar took a deep breath and stood up. "Everything okay upthere Skylar?" Principal Rose asked. "No. I don't know what themoney we get from the fundraiser is going to." Skylar said. "Verygood question. Maxine will you answer that?" Principal Rose saidstepping back from the mic. Maxine walked up to the mic with fire inher eyes. "What does the money go to?" Skylar asked "We giveall the money to The Bee, A place where homeless people can be fedand cared for before they get a job or get through school." Maxinesaid a little less stony. "Does that clear up things a bit Skylar?"Principal Rose said stepping back up to the mic. "Yes. But isn't abake sale kinda... BORING?" Skylar said looking around. "Doesanyone here want to do a bake sale?" Skylar said and there where alot of mummers of agreement. "Well Skylar if you don't think weshould do a bake sale what should we do?" Principal Rose said.Skylar took a deep breath this was a good plan. "I think we shouldmake a rock concert. I could teach some kids to play the guitar andI'm sure someone here can play the drums so they could teach kids toplay the drums and someone HAS to know how to play a piano andinstead of a piano they can use a key-tar. Not to mention goodsingers have to be here!" Skylar said letting a deep breath out."Well Skylar that sounds very interesting! But I don't know ifyou'll not be a good example for the phone incident." PrincipalRose said with suspicious eyes. "But I..." Skylar started but wasinterrupted by Jack " Principal Rose!" Jack said frowning. "YesJack?" Principal Rose said looking at Jack put kept her headpointed at Skylar. "Skylar wrote me a note once she got back fromyour office. She threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't tell alie." Jack said looking right at Principal Rose. "Dude! What areyou doing!" Logan whisperer to Jack. Jack squeezed his eyes shutand opened them and said "Logan is in on it. There going to BOTHpound me after school" Jack said walking down the bleachers. "Wellthen did anyone see the note when you got it Jack?" Principal Rosesaid looking around. Julie stood up. "I did. Jack showed it to meafter he read it. She may be my friend but I can't let that happen tomy boy friend."Julie said pulling Jack next to her. "Okay then, Logan Skylar, goto my office NOW." Principal Rose said pointing towards the door.Skylar caught a glimpse of Jack's face, It was bright red. 'Where didSHE come from? I thought she left.' Skylar thought. Logan jumped up."What's this 'bout dude! You've never told a lie as long as I'veknown you!" Logan said clenching and unclenching his fists. "Comeon Logan. Its no use. Jack's turned to the dark side." Skylar saidpulling Logan down the bleachers and out the door. Logan followed herslowly not taking his eyes off Jack. "Somethings wrong... look athis shirt. Its all messed up. Like someone was holding him down orsomething" Logan whispered to Skylar. "He looked like that whenhe came in during my fake phone incident" Skylar whispered back butkeeping her eyes on Principal Rose.

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