Cookie Day

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This became Payton and I's thing. We would see each other on Sundays and then we would act like nothing happened. Our secret life.

After our little thing that happened on Sunday we avoided each other's eyes the rest of the week. Until Saturday we hadn't shared anything more than a "hey" to each other. I thought that Payton was mad at me, when it was just that she didn't want to act upon the feelings she had.

I understood the pain, the stares, and the feeling you got if you acted in more than just a friend way. That's why I loved the weekends so much because no one could stop us. It was only us; being ourselves.

This weekend we were baking cookies. I loved to bake, but since Payton had once lit a pancake on fire once I didn't really want to trust her. As my uncle and I arrived at the house I noticed how I had put on a marching band shirt, and I really hoped she hadn't done the same because matching isn't always cute.

It was barely eleven in the morning, and I knew the entire day would be spent here. Would anything happen like it did last time? When coming in the door Payton was mid-way through wrapping a present. I laughed silently as she was struggling to hold the paper down, and tape it. How I understand the pain.

"Hope your present is under the tree." Payton's mom called to me. I walked over to their little tree and noticed a nicely wrapped present under the tree. With pretty handwriting Hope was written over the paper in black. As I unwrapped it slowly, a smile started to creep onto my face. Inside the wrapping, I had received a new coloring book and a small pack of markers.

"Thank you!"

"You're so welcome. We figured you would like that."

"I love it." I joined everyone at the breakfast bar to hear about all the cookies we would be making. Payton and I would be making sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies. Yes! That's really all I know how to bake well.

"Can you two handle that?"

My uncle cut in, "I know Hope can since whenever she's in bad moods dozens of cookies end up on the counter."

I smiled. It was true whenever I was in a bad mood I would just bake no matter how many cookies came in a result of it.

"Can I trust you to help with this?" I asked Payton.

"We'll see." She replied while reaching for the flour.

When we were finished making the batter for the chocolate chip cookies I knew something was up. The dough was not sticky together like it should've and I knew that if we added too much flour it would ruin it. However, that's what we ended up doing. Adding in two extra cups of flour into the batter, mixing it all together, and scooping it onto the cookie tray. Payton's mom noticed that we had messed it up, but instead of yelling she pretty much laughed at us for being that stupid to mess up such an easy recipe. She didn't let us make the sugar cookies, instead she sent us away to go study for our exams that were starting the next day.

That however is something funny. Yes, of course there was the talented students that would study, but right now neither of us was going to be doing that. Walking into Payton's room I hopped onto her bed and crawled into my favorite corner. She went over to her computer, and started to blare music. Grabbing her bookbag, she came onto the bed also.

"Are we actually studying?" I questioned with a laugh.

"Of course not." She left her bag on the edge of the bed and moved over to me.

No words were shared as Payton's lips started on my arm and then slowly moving up to my neck. She stopped just to make sure her mom wasn't near the door. Hearing the voices out in the kitchen we knew we were safe. At least, for now we were. I wasn't really paying attention to where Payton's kisses were landing until I felt them against mine. Her eyes were open, and she looked so venerable. I moved my head up to meet hers, and we were connected once again. The kisses were slow and calm; with the music in the background everything just seemed to fall together. I wrapped my arms around her sides to pull her closer into me and she moved willingly.

I didn't want to stop but after Payton had kissed my neck a few more times she stopped and pulled back. Little tears were starting to come out of her eyes, and I gave her a questioning look. She didn't say anything, but gave me a quick peck before moving away from me.

Opening her book bag, Payton got her blue math binder out and started to work on some of her review problems. After doing five she stopped, closed her binder, and put it back into her bag. She got a green binder out and I realized it was for English. We had to fill out a nice five-page review packet and I knew I was going to fail no matter what.

"Can you help me make flashcards?" Payton asked me.

"Yeah, of course." I moved a little towards her, but stopped myself before getting to close. She handed me fifteen flashcards, and she kept fifteen.

"If you start at the bottom of the list, and I start at the top then we can mark off where we stopped when we have to go out and help with cookies."

I didn't say anything, but I did what she wanted. We didn't talk while we worked, but the silence was filled with the music coming from across the room. I had made it to card nine before Payton's mom called to us to help decorate the cookies. I marked the word that I had made it to before crawling over Payton to leave the room. I had almost made it over her, but her arm pulled me down so I was on top of her. I didn't try to move, and she lightly kissed my forehead before whispering that we should go.

The kitchen had an extra table placed beside the bake door for extra room for the cookies. And mu family says that I bake a lot of cookies. Scanning around the room, the little table, counters, and part of the stove where covered in cookies. Payton and I took our seats at the table and waited. Cookies were placed in front of us and we started decorating. None of our cookies looked like the were supposed to. Christmas trees, snowflakes, wreaths, and so many more. We were having fun just adding rainbows of colors to each of the cookies. Once we had both completed ten cookies, Payton asked if we could go back to studying. Her mom told us yes, and we left the kitchen.

The music was still playing when we walked in, but Payton headed over to her computer and paused it. We were both on her bed and she put on a movie before starting back on the flashcards. In twenty short minutes we had all thirty flashcards done, and Payton placed them on her desk. The green binder was returned to the bag, and then it was zipped up, and placed on the floor.

I tried to move away from Payton, but it was happening. After playfully trying to mover her arm off from against my waist, I sunk into her. My head laid on her stomach and her left arm wrapped around my back, and landed on my hip. She had turned on her Christmas lights, and with no lights on they were the only thing providing light minus the TV. I loved her room right now with the blue blankets on the bed matching with the blue wall behind the bed. Everything seemed to have a flow to it.

I knew my head wouldn't be able to stay on her stomach long because the cookies were almost complete which meant I would have to leave soon.

"Thank you," I mumbled to Payton as her arm slipped off of me and I rolled over. She didn't look at me, and when I looked at her face I noticed that her eyes were closed. We had fallen asleep again, and I was thankful that her mom hadn't come in while we were asleep. That would have defiantly resulted in some form of screaming.

I shook Payton lightly after I had come back from the bathroom. Her eyes were trying to focus, but as I sat on the floor putting on my shoes she sat up, and looked at me.

"You might want to bite and rub out your lip; you have little brace marks from me."

I stood up from the floor and walked over to her, "Do you really think I care?"

"Probably not, but your uncle and my mom might."

"And what would they think about this?" I leaned forwarded and our lips met for a few seconds before I pulled away.

I turned away from Payton, and headed out of her room. I figured if I left before I was called they wouldn't think anything about me and Payton. I was right.

"You ready?" My uncle asked.

I nodded my head, and got the cookie packages he was trying to hand me.

"Can I drive home?"

"Yeah I guess so. You just have to drive careful since it's raining outside."

It's raining outside? Must be light since you couldn't hear it. "Okay, I will." My voice gave a soft crack.

We headed out into the rainy night, and the whole drive home all I could think about was what would become of me and Payton.

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