Prologue: Welcome

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Name: Nino Sentinel

Age: ???

Birthdate: ???


Nino cranes her head from side to side, arms reaching out as if they were looking for something and a small, strained, mmph leaving her lips. A yawn threatened to rise from her throat but she quickly pushed it back down, nibbling her lip and weighing her options. Leaving it blank couldn't be that bad.

Age: ???

Birth Date: ???

With the click of a mouse, the screen changed once again. What appeared on the screen seemed to be a joke of sorts, something to test her patience, maybe a game.

Who are y o u ?

The words surrounded her, giggling and using the infamous "neh neh neh boo boo" as a cruel taunt with mischievous smiles curling on their faces. Nino rolled her eyes, seeming immune to the snickering of voices in her head. Quickly, she replies.

Nino: I am you. And who are you?


Nino: I am you.


A huff leaves her lips, head lolling back and a tense hand running through her dark locks of hair. With a tooth still worrying her bottom lip, she attempts once more.

Nino: I am Nino.

The message sent with ease this time, a check mark appearing at the bottom of the text bubble and a blue dot appearing signifying it being read. Her foot began tapping against what she assumed to be wood floorboard and the skin on her lip peeled back due to the constant pressure of dull teeth.

Unknown: I am Nino.

Nino: Then I am you... but who are you?

Unknown: Whomever you decide to be.

Nino: How do I decide?

Unknown: CHOOSE.

Nino: ?? What?

Unknown: Choose wisely.

Nino: Who.. am I?

Unknown: Yes, who are you?

Nino: I don't... know.

Unknown: WELCOME.

Nino: Wait- what?

Unknown: Your ID has been chosen. Have fun, be safe, and remember: We know.

A/N: And so, it begins. Updates may be subject to changing (aka popping up out of no where). Hope you enjoy! Twitter: A_Ashstar

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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