The Mall pt. 2

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If you guys want to follow me on Instagram my username is @l.a.dancers

//Not Edited\\

Bailey POV

"I think I kind of like him too"

Wait did I just say that. Do I actually like Julian? He is a great and funny guy. What about Sean and Kenneth? I kind of liked them too. Wow I feel weird liking 3 guys at the same time. Is that wrong? I think it is. My thoughts were interrupted by a squeal of a pig. Nevermind it was Tati.

"Finally you MIGHT actually get a boyfriend." she said.

"Yeah huh, what about you and Gabe?" I asked.
"What about me and Gabe?"
"How are you guys doing together?" I asked with a smirk on my face.
"Wait do you think I like Gabe, omg NO, but I do like someone else" she said while a smile crept on her face.
"Oh do tell" I said while putting on a black dress.
" Ok so I think I'm starting to like Will now" she said as she examined my face waiting for my reaction.

"OMG NO WAY!" I said as excitement spread through my whole body. I actually thought she liked Gabe, but I guess not.

"Are you girls ready or not, I'm getting impatient" we heard Julian yell from outside the dressing rooms.

"Chill your pickle Jules" Tati yelled back. We both laughed and I waited for Tati to put on a coral colored two piece. She looked so beautiful, I wish I looked like her.

I nodded my head at her asking if she was ready. She nodded back and we both walked out and started striking poses for Julian. Tati winked at him while I blew a kiss to him. He caught it and put it in his pocket. I just laughed at him knowing my face was getting red at his gesture. He probably doesn't even like me that way, it was probably a friendly/funny gesture.

Gosh I over think things a lot, that's just a problem I have though.

"Honestly you guys should totally get these, they look so good" Julian said.

Tati POV
"Honestly you guys should totally get these, they look so good" Julian said while obviously looking Bailey up and down. They're so cute together. I need a guy that looks at me like that. I'm so single right now. ( literally my life)

"Let's go pay Tats," Bailey said and I immediately snapped away from my thoughts. I followed her towards the cash register.

"Is this all for you lovely ladies?" the cashier said who was a guy that was looking at us both up and down.

"Yes please," Bailey said being oblivious that this cashier is looking at us like we're a piece of fresh meat. Well that's a weird comparison, what's wrong with you Tati. Everything.

"That will be $58.16 beautiful," the cashier said while giving a smile towards Bailey. I read his name thing, Cole it said. I saw Julian go behind Bailey and he started shaking his head no towards the cashier while giving him a serious face.

Bailey, who still didn't know what was happening, just paid the clothes and said, "Thank you sir."

She really is stupid in these types of situations, she never knows when a guy is really trying to flirt with her.

"Are you guys coming or not," she said after she noticed that we didn't follow her right away.

"Oh yeah, thanks for paying," I said while catching up to her with Julian right behind me.

I took out my phone and saw that it was 7:32. Damn we spent like 4 hours at this mall. I showed Bailey and Julian the time and we all agreed it was time to go home. We got out the mall and walked towards Julian's car. Once the car turned on, I immediately changed the radio station and we just all started jamming out to songs.

Julian dropped off Bailey first since her house was closer.

"Well this is goodbye," she says while looking at me. She looks at Julian and says, " Thanks for the ride home, I had a great time with you guys." Ughh she's making this sounds like a date that I just third wheeled to.

"It was my pleaser, I had a great time with you too" he says and smiles at her. He just said he had a great time with her and not me, wow ok. I'm kidding.

"See you tomorrow at school Tati," she says and she blows me kiss. I say bye and with that she closes the door and walks to her house. We wait until she's fully inside and then Julian starts driving again.

"Do you like her?" I blurted out. I probably shouldn't have, but I need to know the answer to this question.

"Do I like Bailey?" He asks like he's deaf. I said yes and patiently waited for his answer. A couple seconds pass and well your girl can't be patient.

"So do you Jules?" I asked hoping to finally get an answer.

"Maybe" he says. He looks at me with a worried face like he's asking if it's ok with me that he likes her. Would Julian be good for her?

As long as he doesn't take her away from me too much. Bailey and I always need our time together and I can't have a guy coming here to mess us up.

Well I guess I can accept Julian. I nod my head at him.

"Good, but just so you know if you ever ever decide to cheat or hurt her in any way possible I will make sure you can't have babies anymore. Understand?" I said in a very serious voice because I mean it. If anyone hurts Bailey I will make sure their lives are a living hell.

"Yes" Julian said with wide eyes while he's still looking at the road. He really tensed up after this, it's quite hilarious. His car stops in front of my house and I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Well had a great time Julian, thanks for the ride see you tomorrow," I said with a big smile on my face. I open the car door and give him one last wave before getting my keys and opening the door.

Julian you better take my words seriously.

Wow I make really slow updates. Anyways hope you like it. Have a great day my dudes ❤✌

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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