Chapter 2

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The scent of jasmine flowed through my nostrils. It felt as if my head was stepped on. A huge headache burned through my skull. "Run and catch, run and catch, the lamb is caught in the blackberry patch." the same sweet voice sung. My hair was being fingered, I could feel it. "Wakey up dearie. Orion says its time to play."

I wanted to wake up, but my body wouldn't let me. "Up! Up! Or you'll be punished for disobeying mummy." the girl said. My eyes finally gave way, they slowly but surely fluttered on open.

The kind young figure, had dark long wavy locks down her back, dark eyes and creme colored skin. Drusilla. Child of Angelus. I've met Angelus before, ruthless and sadistic. Cruel and torturous. Insane...and ever so sexy.

"W-w-where am I?" I whispered. Trying to look around. Noticing Drusilla's victorian styled outfit, she knew she wasn't in the twenty-first century anymore.

"Baby woke up from her nap. Your in the milky way my sweet. Daddy and grandmother will be here soon. Just out for dinner." Drusilla said, with a childlike yet sadistic smile. "Is baby hungry?"

"I'm not a baby Drusilla." I spat back. Drusilla's eyes widened.

"You know me as I know you. Cordelia." She murmured, dancing in place to music that must have only been in her head. "I knew you were coming to me my sweet, the stars told me your journey through the universe. Making your way to my land." I quirked an eyebrow. Drusilla never made sense. I've never really had much communication with her, but through Giles' journals and what had happened a year ago with Darla being brought back and the ordeal with Wolfram and Hart.

"What are you talking about. Where's Angel? Where's Fred...and Gunn...and Wes?" I said, trying to keep my poise.

I noticed Drusilla raise only an eyebrow. But she quickly changed the subject. "Time to get dressed for Grandmummy and Daddy." she said, reaching for a corsetted teal and gold dress. "You'll look like a dream, wait till they see you." she muttered.

All of a sudden, two figures walked through the cherry oak front door. Angel?! It was Angel, with much longer hair. What the? "Angel.." I whispered to myself. Darla, modeling in a pushed up corsetted top with a marroon skirt. Her hair styling simple curls and a pompadour. What was she doing here? She killed herself after the birth of Connor.

"Daddy! I brought home a present from the stars." Drusilla said dancing around Angelus. Angelus grabbed Drusilla by the waist as Darla went to the bedroom to put her coat away.

"Come." she said pulling him to me. My eyes widened once I saw Drusilla and Angelus. He had on a smug and sadistic smile on his face.

"Hello, who's this Dru?" he said staring me straight in my eyes."

"Angel?!" I said trying to be quiet, but she knew he heard her.

"Angel? That's what my sister mistaken me for. Kathy Kathy, her blood was sweet and peachy." he said patting his not beating heart. He walked closer to me. He started to finger my hair. Angelus quickly inhaled. "You smell like jasmine...and fear. Gotta love that fear." he muttered, circling me.

"Angel..where an I?" I asked, looking around.

"What a beauty you are...You surely are a special one...I can taste it." He said, playing with my hair.

"Wait...Angelus?" she exclaimed. If he wasn't answering to Angel and they were all dressed in victorian style clothing and they simply didn't use the invention of the bath.He smiled.

"How do you know my name miss?" he asked, his irish brogue pulling through into his voice.

I quickly noticed the chains around my wrists. "Let me go you fucking psycho!" I screamed, mostly toward Drusilla. Angelus chuckled.

"Wow, such a little girl with such a big feist. I like it. Listen here doll face, for one were not letting you go. So scream as much as you want because as you may know...I love screamers. And two, we're not going to hurt you this second....probably later. Blades and red hot pokers, such wonderous things." He said, getting close to her, inhaling every piece of humanity she had and moaning to the goodness her scent brought to him. Drusilla dances, again, to music that must've been only in her head.

"Daddy may I play with the baby and make her pretty?"she asked, crouching down and begans to touch my face. I quickly push her away with my feet and give her a dirty look.

"Leave me the hell alone you british psychopathic bitch!" I spat out at her. All of a sudden everything went blank. No memory of why I went blank. I just lost consciousness.

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