3. Will He Imprint Her? ✔️

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Nandu is sitting alone in her room....Manik is in his room....

After sometime Sanskaar came

Sanky: Hey Baabhi this is for u....(he gave a dress to her)

Nandu looked Confused

Sanky: Manik sir ki gift hai...ok bhaabi get ready ...sir is waiting for u

sir is waiting for u

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Nandu's attire

After changing nandu went to Manik's room

After changing nandu went to Manik's room

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Room is very big....king size bed is lying in the center.....two big wardrobes are there in the room....in the wall Manik's photos are there.....left side as balcony and rest space is covered with glass and decorated with beautiful curtains

Manik: U are looking so beautiful

Nandu smiled

He locked the room and pushed her onto bed

Manik: Today i will make u mine (Manik whispered on her ears)

Nandu tried to push him but he forced himself on her...

Nandu started breathing heavily...she started memorizing something

Nandu pov: God why am again remembering those things....plz save me...no i can't do this...plz..............

She tried to push him

But Manik was too excited to imprint her......

Manik pov: Sorry jaan u are two small to understand the importance of sex in our community...i can't loss u ...if dad come to know that i didn't imprint u then he will force me to marry that stupid Soha....i can't take a chance.................

Nandu pov: no no that bloody creature as made me dirty now Manik tooo....no i can't its better i should die....Pari baby plz take me with u..................

Manik started sucking her breast like a wild werewolf.....he inserted his tongue in her mouth and sucked all saliva....

Mandu is crying

Manik was so excited

Nandu tried to get the mug which is placed near the bed....but it fall down and got broken

Nandu tried to move away from him but he pulled her more closer.............

Manik: Jaanu plz don't stop me

He inserted his private part in her vagina....nd started moving it up and down...stupid Manik was too excited that's why the two n fro movement was harsh

Nandu pushed him with all force she can, Manik is back to sense and thought to take a nap

Nandu's condition was too worse she was shivering ...crying in pain...blood was coming out from her v area....breathing heavily...

When Manik gave her space she tried to escape but fall down over the glass pieces due to weakness

Glass pieces perused her body...she screamed silently in pain and become unconscious

Manik didn't notice it as he slept ....after 15min he got up remembering about imprinting

Manik screamed: nandiniiiii

She was lying in a pool of blood...Manik carried her to their family doctor

Manik: Hows she now???

Doctor(Veer) : Why did u forcefully tried future king???look at her condition....

Nandu is in ICU in critical condition

After 2 hours Nandu gained consciousness....her whole body was paining....now she can breath normally

Veer: How are u Nandini??

Nandu signed : m ok

Veer: Don't lie Nandini ..hm ik ur body is paining

Nandu tried to take book n pen

Veer: Nandini no need i know sign language

Nandu smiled in relief

It was difficult for her to write

Veer: Nandini why are u frightened of sex??

Nandu's face suddenly bcom pale

She started breathing heavily....Veer gave her injection to sleep

Manik was watching this ....lonely tear appeared from his eyes

Manik pov: baby am so sorry for hurting u ...i will not force u to get mated

Veer: Manik their is something running in Nandini's mind....may be she is having some dark past which is killing her always.

Manik: I will find it and will heel all her pain's...

Who is pari??? What will be Nandu's past??

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