4. Revelation Of Her Past ✔️

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Nandu got up with a jerk....she is sweating ....

Manik : Nandu what happened???
Nandu is crying
She is gestured him something but it was beyond his limit of understanding.

Dr Veer saw it....he watched all this silently....
Manik made Nandu sleep....she is shivering

Manik: Am sorry baby it all happened bcoz of my stupidity....plz forgive me

Veer: Manik did u understand what she told????
Manik: nope
Veer: She said that one person had touched her before....he made her dirty Nd her Pari
Manik hold veer's collar
Manik: How dare u??
Veer: Manik it's what Nandini told now...her condition is too bad that memory is swallowing her completely...it will result in her death
Manik: No it cannot happen
Veer: Yes
Manik: Veer plz help me to cure her
Veer: For that we need to hypnotize her
Manik: Are u sure???
Veer: It's risky but there is no other choice

At evng,
(As nandu is mute she will show gestures while veer is hypnotizing her)

Veer: Nandini u r sleeping now
Nandu nods yes
Veer: How are u feeling
Nan: Good
Veer: Nandini why are u scared of sex
Nandu didn't reply
Veer: Nandini am ur frnd
Nandu: Am scared bcoz he made me dirty my body ko touch kiya...MERI Pari ko maar Diya
Veer: Who is Pari????
Nandu: She is my baby sister 8 years old....he raped Nd killed her😭😭😭
Veer: Nandini ok stay calm??? Who did that???
Nandu: He is having red eyes that dirty vampire
Veer: Oo god ....did anyone knows about this
Nandu nods no
Veer: Y didn't u share this with ur parents??
Nandu: He will kill my family Nd I lost my sound
Veer: How???
Nandu: I saw him harming Pari Nd I called for help ...he stabbed my vocal code with knife Nd made me mute...when I fall down ...he touched my body parts....but bhaiyu's reached on tym...so I was safe....he ran away....
Veer: Nandini it's ur past...try to move u

Nandu: mm

Manik: God Nandu had suffered this much....
Veer: Don't worry now her mind will be lite as she shared everything with us....
MAnik: Now what should I do???
Veer: U have to make her trust u...she needs a good frnd now....Manik try to be her frnd first then heel her pain then imprint
MAnik: Yes I will be with her always...thanku doctor

Malhotra: Sanskaar where is Manik??? Did he imprint that stupid mate???
Sanky: No uncle...she is good Nd innocent
Neyo: We should give him some more time...Nandini is not well now...
Malhotra: How can that weak girl be the future queen Neyo😠😠😠😠

Nandu tried to get up..she is alone in Manik's room
Soha: How dare u???? It's my Manik's room😏😤😤😤
Nandu gestures: M his wife
Soha: Can't u talk cheapo😣😣
Nandu become sad .....she tried to move but failed
Soha: Hm that means u r a trash...can't talk walk huff....get lost from my room
Manik heard this

Manik : Soha😤😤😤😤 How dare u??? U r insulting my wife my mate
Soha: Wot m ur mate baby not this trash....
Manik: enough Soha

How's the update??????

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