Chapter Five

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So hello everyone. This is the-other-writer-who-didn't-write-this-story and this is chapter five for you :) 


Dear Louis,

I’m Niall, hi. I haven’t exactly talked to you before. And I did want to talk to you a lot before, but now that I am, it doesn’t seem like such an amazing thing anymore, because it means that something has happened to Harry. I’m sure he’s told you that if I write to you, it means that something has happened to him. I know you’re probably really worried right now, and you want to know what happened to him, but I will only tell you towards the end.

Anyway, I heard from Harry that you said you wanted to be friends with me? That’s great, because it’s cool and I, too, want a mortal friend. So I guess I’ll start telling you about myself or something. Maybe you won’t even read this part and just skip to the bit about Harry, I don’t know. I don’t know enough about you to be able to deduce that.

Yeah so I’m Niall, and I like to eat. Food is the love of my life. We don’t have fast-food here, so all we eat is like steak and those posh foods. I want to know what normal human fast-food like McDonald’s tastes like though. I’ve heard that it’s good. Besides eating I enjoy singing as well. Did Harry tell you that? We both like singing, especially him.

When Harry has nothing to do, he just sits there and writes songs. I’ve seen what he’s written and he’s sung them for me to judge. They’re good songs really. And we often discuss this; “what we’d want to be if we were human”. He said that he wants to be a singer/songwriter. I think he’d be good at it. Maybe one day he’ll show you his songs or something.

Harry and I are best friends. He’s probably my only friend, and I’m probably the only one who doesn’t look down on him for being in prison because of a “mere mortal”. I admire him actually. I‘ve never told him this, but I honestly look up to him because he dares to do anything for love. I’m not sure if I’ll ever have the courage to do what he did.

We always talk about how being angels is really stupid and stuff like that, because that means that we don’t exist in the real world. And I really hate being one. There are so many things that we have to follow and there are so many things we can’t do. Wow, I think I sound a lot like Harry now. We’ve been told that our personalities are really similar.

We both really hate pretentious people, we both hate living up here, we both love singing… Yeah there are so many things that we have in common. It’s safe to say that he knows me better than anyone else and vice versa.

But Louis, I think he knows you better than he knows me. He cares about you so much, and I don’t even think that there are words to measure how much he cares for you. I don’t know if you care about him too though.

Anyway, Louis, do you know that you have such a huge effect on Harry? When you turned fifteen, he sobbed like there was no tomorrow, really. I’d never ever seen him upset in all those fifteen years until that day. That shows that you make him really happy. But after your birthday, he refused to go back up and well he got called back and punished.

I know you know that already, but yeah. And then he escaped, but got captured back for life imprisonment. Honestly, I’d never ever seen Harry do something like that before. He was always one to follow the rules. But I guess that was until he met you.

I’ve been his friend since he was created, and I know how he is. I can tell that he really cares a lot about you and he loves you. He’s never broken the rules before, and he did it for you. Would you like to know how many rules he’s broken? Well, he has hurt a human, he has overstayed in the mortal world, he escaped from jail, and he’s writing to a mortal now. He could be sentenced to death and something else but I’ll leave that for later.

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