Horror movies (McCree x male!reader)

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You, your boyfriend Jesse McCree and a few other members of Overwatch were going to have a movie night, you do this every week on Fridays after they get back from missions. Every Friday it was different person's turn to pick a movie, this week happened to be your turn and a few people didn't like this fact since you were a huge horror nerd.
It was 7pm when the others got back from a mission, you were only a mechanic so you usually stayed at the base. You had been wondering whole day which movie you should watch, you owned about hundred horror movies and you wanted to watch one that was actually scary, not something classic like "A Nightmare on Elm street" or "Friday the 13th". At the moment you were staring at your horror collection which you were really proud of. They were on shelf which also had a few horror icon figures and plushies on it.
"Human centipede? Nah, that will just dramatize them..."
You thought to yourself while going through the collection.
"Wait, why do I even have that movie, oh yeah-" Suddenly you heard the door to your room open, you turned to check out who had entered your room and it was who else than McCree. You greeted him with a smile and a wave of a hand, he returned the smile as he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your hips.
"What are you up to darlin'? Reinhardt already called us for dinner."
Jesse said as he rested his head on your shoulder, you smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You explained to him that you were trying to decide which movie you were going to watch tonight with the others. McCree froze for a second, he knew that you were a horror nerd which he was a total opposite of, he hated those movies more than anything. He let out a nervous chuckle and said:
"Oh, I totally forgot it was your turn to pick a movie tonight..."
You weren't aware of his fear of horror movies, so you laughed a little and got back to searching. 3 minutes passed and McCree was still in your room but he was now sitting on your bed, twirling his hat on his finger while you were still thinking, soon you gave up and chose the first "Insidious" movie. As you picked up the movie McCree turned to look at you and asked if you were ready, you gave him a nod and he got up from the bed.
"So what movie are we watching tonight?"
"Is it uh... Is it scary?"
"Nah not really."
Jesse glanced at the cover, it didn't look too bad in his opinion so he let out a small sigh of relief. You walked to the dining room where everyone were already eating dinner.
"Finally you two decided to join us! Come sit down, there's still plenty of food!"
Reinhardt laughed, you chuckled as you and McCree sat down next to each other. Lena was sitting next to you on the left side, she took a look at the movie that you had in your lap and giggled. She leaned close to you and whispered:
"Are you aware of Jesse's fear of those movies?"
At first you looked at Jesse and then at Lena who was smirking, you shook your head no and asked was she serious. She nodded and got back to eating, you stared at your plate for a moment, soon a small smirk appeared on your face. This was perfect! If Jesse really was afraid of horror movies, he would stay as close to you as possible tonight.

After dinner you and others helped Reinhardt with dishes, some of the Overwatch members decided to go to sleep since they were tired after a long mission. This left you alone with Jesse,  Hana, Lúcio, Tracer, Genji and Zenyatta. Genji, Zenyatta, Jesse and you were sitting on a couch while Hana and Lúcio were cuddling on a bean bag, you smiled at how adorable the young couple was.
"So (Y/N), what are we going to watch tonight?"
Hana asked with her cheery voice, you stood up from the couch and showed her the cover.
"Oooh, nice one."
Hana giggled and turned back to Lúcio as you walked over to a shelf where a DVD player was placed on next to Hana's gaming platforms. While you were turning the movie on Tracer walked in to living room with bowls of popcorn and other snacks, Lúcio pointed out that she forgot drinks. Tracer nodded, she placed the bowls on a coffee table and went back to kitchen after asking what everyone wanted. When she got back you had already settled yourself on the couch next to Jesse who put an arm around you and pulled you closer to him.
"Ship iiiit~"
Hana cooed and giggled. You told her to not to be such a fujoshi, both of you laughed at this comment while Jesse was confused. Genji also chuckled in the corner of the couch and moved closer to his omnic lover. Lena put the drinks on the coffee table and sat on an arm chair which was next to the couch, you turned on the movie and leaned against Jesse who already seemed nervous.

There was 40 minutes left of the movie, every minute Jesse had moved closer and closer to you until you were sitting on his lap, you could see that he was terrified. There was a jump scare scene coming up and you decided to warn Jesse about it but he said he was gonna be fine, that was until the jump scare actually came and Jesse quickly pressed his head against your back. You chuckled at his actions and pat his head, trying to calm him down. Another jump scare was enough for Jesse, this was when he got up from the couch and left the room. Others turned to look at you as you said:
"Yeah yeah, I'll go after him."
You got up from the couch and ran after Jesse, apparently he went to his room. You knocked his door and waited for him to answer, you didn't get one so you decided to just enter the room. What you found was Jesse laying on a bed, his left arm was covering his face.
"You alright Jesse?"
You asked as you entered the room, closing the door behind and leaning against it. Jesse assured you that he was okay but you didn't believe him, you sat down next to him and pushed the arm away from his face. He was pale.
"Oh dear, the movie scared you huh?"
Jesse sighed sitting up, he gave you a nod and leaned against your shoulder, you smiled taking his hat off and petting his hair. You told him that there was no need to be scared since it was just a movie, Jesse said that he knew that but he couldn't help it. A chuckle left your throat as you started to think about how to calm him down, you quickly got an idea. You smirked as you got up from the bed, Jesse watched you confused as you walked over to the door and locked it, this is when he strated to realize what you were up to. A smirk appeared on his face as you were walking back to the bed, you crawled over to him and pushed him down.
"Would you like to be Freddy to my Jason~?"
"I have no idea what that means but I like where this is going~"

The drawing is made by DarthShizuka on DeviantArt

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