You're perfect (Zenyatta x FtM!reader)

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(Warning: Transphobia)

There had not been any missions in a while so you decided to finally introduced your boyfriend, Zenyatta, to your family which you hadn't seen in a while. You were kind of nervous to see them because a lot of things had changed since you last time saw them, you had gotten yourself a boyfriend and you had finally started testosterone which had lowered your voice a bit. Zenyatta being the wonderful boyfriend that he was had assured you that everything was going to be fine, this made you feel slightly better but you knew that your parents weren't the most accepting people ever. Especially your dad.

Flight to (your home state/country) had been tiring to you, a lot of thoughts had went through your mind which made you even more nervous than you already were. At the moment you and Zenyatta were sitting in a taxi which was taking you from the airport to your home.
"W-what if they're not going to accept me.. Or worse, what if they're not going to accept you..?"
You stuttered and nervously leaned against your seat, Zenyatta obviously didn't like to see you in this kind of state. Suddenly you started to feel a bit calm, while questioning why this was you saw that one of Zenyatta's orbs was floating above you, its yellow light connection to your shoulder. You smiled and turned to look at Zenyatta, you moved closer to him and thanked him, the omnic hummed as a reply. The car ride lasted for 10 more minutes until you arrived at your house. The driver helped you and Zenyatta to get your bags from the trunk, you thanked him and paid for the ride. The driver nodded, he got back in to the car and drove off. You turned to look at your house, Zenyatta noticed that you were still nervous and told you to take a deep breath, you did as you were told and to be honest it kind of helped. You rang the door bell and nervously tapped you foot against the ground, Zenyatta grabbed your hand and you swear if he could smile he probably would be smiling right now. You turned to face the door as your mom opened it, she smiled and greeted you, you only gave her a nod as a reply as you and Zenyatta walked in. The first thing that your mom noticed was Zenyatta who was still holding your hand.
"Honey, who is this?"
She asked as she pointed at Zenyatta, you realized that still will be the first time when your mom hears you talk after you started testosterone.
"Uh, mom this is Zenyatta. Zenyatta, this is my mom..."
You mumbled, Zenyatta kindly greeted your mom and offered his hand for a handshake. Your mother stared at him for a few second but in the end decided to shake the omnic's hand. You explained to her that Zenyatta was a dear friend of yours, this is when she noticed your lower voice.
"What's with your voice, are you sick?"
She asked and cupped your cheek, you shook your head and said that you would explain it later. Oh yeah, you hadn't come out of closet as trans for your parents yet.

You, Zenyatta, your parents and your older brother were sitting in living room, your parents were asking a lot of questions about your work while your brother was listening to music with his headphones. When your mother noticed this she tapped his shoulder and told him not to be rude, your brother sighed and took of his headphones.
"So is this omnic a friend of yours?"
Your father asked, you finally decided to tell them that Zenyatta was actually your boyfriend, your father didn't look pleased.
"So you're a robotfucker.."
Your mother gave your brother's head a gentle punch, Michael snickered and got back to listening to music as he went to his room. Your mother sighed and covered her face with a hand in embarrassment, your told her that it was alright.
"What about your voice? It's lower than I remembered..."
Your father asked, you didn't like the tone that he was using. You turned to look at Zenyatta who gave you pat on your shoulder, you took a deep breath once again and told your parents that you were transgender. Your mother's hand lowered from her face as she looked shocked and your father frowned.
"(Birth name)... What the fuck are you talking about..?"
Your father questioned with a threatening tone on his voice, this is when you moved closer to Zenyatta because you didn't feel quite safe.
"D-dad, that is not my name anymore... I-it's actually (Y/N).."
"(Birth name) darling, you were born as a girl, so that fucking means that YOU ARE A GIRL!!!"
Your father raised his voice and slammed his fist against a coffee table, your mother tried to calm him down but it didn't work. This is when Zenyatta stepped in. He explained how this type of stuff worked but your father didn't want to listen.
"Oh and you, (birth name) why the Hell would you date an omnic?!"
"That is none of your business..."
You said quietly, your father asked you to repeat what you had just said.
"That is none of your fucking business dad! Who the Hell are you to tell me who and what I am or who I am allowed to date?!"
You yelled at him as you got up from the couch, this is when your father slapped your face. Zenyatta got up quickly, he took a hold of your shoulders and asked if you were fine. Tears were falling down your cheeks as you nodded and glared at your father.
"Come Zenyatta, we are not staying here..."
You mumbled as you started walking out of the living room, Zenyatta walked after you and grabbed both of your bags. When you were already out of the house Zenyatta took a final glance at your father and told him what a horrible person he was, after this he walked out and closed the door behind him.

Zenyatta and you order a taxi which took you to a nearest hotel where you decided to stay for the night. As you got in to your hotel room you immediately threw yourself on the bed and started sobbing, Zenyatta sat next to you and tried his best to comfort you. You slowly sat up and leaned against his chest, Zenyatta wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly.
"Why do I have to be such a huge mistake..."
You sniffed and gently pressed yourself more in to Zenyatta.
"Don't say things like that, you are perfect the way you are (Y/N)."
The omnic said and gently pat your back and stroked your hair with his other hand. You sobbed and put your arms around the omnic, he was right like most of the time. Slowly you looked up at him and gave him a kiss.
"Should you get some rest dear?"
Zenyatta asked, you nodded your head and went to a bathroom to change to your pyjamas which were basically just a band t-shirt and boxers. After changing you crawled back to bed where Zenyatta was already laying down under the covers, you smiled as you laid down and moved closer to him.
"No matter what anyone says, you are my handsome man."
Zenyatta hummed as he wrapped his arms around your hips, you smiled and closed your eyes as you said:
"And you're my cute little omnic."

The drawing is made by EnigmaticEnigma on DeviantArt

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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