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~readers p.o.v~

I woke to the action of scout poking my arm as soon as I realized he was doing that I quickly slapped his hand for he wouldn't do it again. I got up and stretched. " good morning sleepy head" said scout with his normal grin, I honestly was  not fazed by scouts flirting because he did it all the time, it's only the time that he attempts to or dose touch my boob s that really pisses me off. But of course he's just kidding.
You went to go get your stuff on for battle, then you headed off.


(You where trying to attack the blue solider. Blue scout came up to you and waked you with his bat so now ur in the Infirmary)

I woke  in the infirmary with scout looking at me  with a worried look  it seemed like he cared about me yet I still think that he's just trying to act like that to be a player. "(Y/N) are you ok?"he asked. "Yeah I'm fine." The worried look on his face disappeared. "Did we get the brief case ?" I asked hoping that they at least tried. "No" scout said disappointedly. "Uhhhhh!" I said as you sat up and hopped of the table. As I  walked out of the room I  accidentally crashed into medic, he stumbled backward and I  fell on top of him. I caught myself when we where an inch from each other's face. Both of us  blushed madly. "Aw Zit seems like you are up." The medic sad while getting up . "Yep and I'm ready to go also thanks medic."  I said to him. "Well sense I know zhat your ok you can go." He replied.

It was evening and everyone was at dinner so I  went down the hallway to go join them.

-le SKIP-
I where walking to your room that you shared with scout, sadly scout is really
Annoying I now get why no one wanted to share a room with him. Anyway when I finally got to the   Room I opened the door then when I took a step in I saw scout on MY BED with a rose in his mouth. "Oh my god scout!" I  yelled. "Wanna do it?" He asked with a grin. "No wigga" I  replied. I then took the rose out of his mouth and told him too get off my bed. "So do you like the medic?" Scout asked. "Um." I said nervously. "Welp do you wanna snuggle with me I'm pretty sure it will get that off your mind." He said with a sadistic grin on his face. you hesitated then agreed and you fell asleep in scouts arms that night.

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