A bonus (marshmellow)

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A/n HOLLY SHIT THIS HAS 600 reads I'm so happy i love the support u guys give me!!)
The emergency alarm went off medic and I jumped out of bed wondering wth was going on.

We got dressed and ran out of the room we both got our weapons and headed where the. Alarm was coming from.
When we got there they alarm turn off, no one was there except medic and I.
I looked at medic confusedly as he examined the room we were in.

I actually haven't been in this room before, like is this the boiling room or some time of storage room? Medic looked around to see if anyone was in the room with us, then when he didn't find anyone he got down on one knee and pulled out a box.

I gasped and started to cry as he said the words "will you marry be libeling?"
"Yes!" I shouted and hugged him then he got the ring and put it on my finger. The ring had (your birth stone) on it.  I looked at him and hugged him giving him a big kiss and thanking him.
We were about to go back to medics room when suddenly the big pot in the room started to tip over me and medic looked behind us and ran but sadly we didn't reach the door in time. When the wave full of what ever that was , was gone I licked medic and got confused.

"Is this melted marshmallows?" I asked him as I started licking myself. "I suppose so (y/n)." We both exited the room happily as we saw the hole team look at us and clapping.

"So it looks like u got into quite a mess there right medic?" Spy said as he lighted up I cigar.
"Hey no smoking in here, and yes quite a mess you guys made."
"Well u did ask for marshmallows doctor."
"Vell I thought you meant through marshmallows at us or something not melt a bunch of marshmallows the dumped it on us."
"Well aren't you happy anyways sir?" Scarlet asked.
"Yes I'm glad all of you guys made this happen for that I am great full."

"Soooo when's the wedding-?"

Ha I'm making a sequel everyone after I'm done with the last chp of mmp. Thx for reading marshmallow and thank u for being apart of this journey.

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