Aggresion (pt2)

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(Y/n) POV
I hugged medic an I cried. "(Y/N) did scout do somezing to you?"I  looked up at him and sobbed even more. "He he gaaa" He picked me up and placed me on the bed. "(Y/n) in order to understand Zou i need you to calm down." I  take a deep breath. "He striped me down and forced a bunny tail in me and if u hadn't knocked I would have been fully raped."  He looked and hugged me as I  sobbed. When I  stoped sobbing he got up and got a syringe. "I'm going to speak to scout. "I'm gonna go with you-" "no (y/n) I think you should stay here I don't want you to get hurt more."
"Okay I'll stay here, I need to take a shower anyway." He looked at me blew a kiss and closed the door behind him.
Medic POV
I went to scouts room and opened the door I was gasped at what I saw. Scout lied there in a pool of his own blood I turned him over and saw that he ripped his heart out and his respawn. Scout was dead officially dead.
I went and called a team meeting. I broke the news and told them that I couldn't revive him and I showed the note that scout left.

"Dear anyone reading this,
I'm useless, I feel like I shouldn't be alive everyday because I'm annoying and then I meet (y/n) she made me feel alive and happy I felt like she was supposed to be mine. But she was sent here for someone else I guess I really am useless. Goodbye productive world."
Authors pov
Everyone was in shock, not about scout of course but that means with the limit of team members they have right now they would have to forfeit. That had to recruit a new scout.
That leaves us at the end my friends I'll be working on the next chapter soon and I can't wait to see the scout oc I have in stores for the next story anyway see ya all in a flash  

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