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   I woken up on a bed. "Thank god it was a dream." I said as I turned over where I thought Sue was. I fell off the bed and screamed. I slowly got up and grabbed a pillow. I looked back at the man with a blue mask that had black eyes with more black coming down. I threw the pillow at him. "Ouch!" He said. "Ahh! It spoke!" I yelled as I backed away. "Geez." He said. As backing away something grabbed me from behind. I turned around and punched whoever held on me.

  The girl with brown hair put her hand where I punch. Well she's normally at least that's what I think. "Im so sorry!" I said as I helped her get up. "What about me!" The man in the blue mask said. "Oh shup up  Jack!" The girl said. She looked at me with her eyes. One was like a green color. But her other eye was replaced with a clock and she had a sewed on smile. I backed away from her.

  "She's tuff!" The girl said. I looked around. "Where am I?!" I asked. "The Mansion." The man said. I turned back and realized it wasn't him. I almost screamed until he covered my mouth with his pale hands. I looked at his eyes. They looked scary but wondered why he wasn't blinking. He had no eye lids. He had black hair that touched his shoulders which were covered with his bloody white hoodie. What scared me the most was his carved smile.

  "Jeff Didn't Slender said you weren't supposed to come." The girl said. "Oh shut up. He's not here now is he?" Jeff said. He removed his hand from my mouth. "What was that?" The faceless man who teleported out of no where asked. Jeff shriek. "I uh.." He trailed off. "Jack,Jeff, and Clockwork." He said. I was guessing the girl was Clockwork sense I found out the others name. "Please leave." The man said. They all groan and walked out the room.

  "Where am I?!" I asked. "Dont worry child your safe. I saw you in danger so I saved you. This is my Mansion. Other murders live here but dont worry they won't hurt you. Im Slenderman. But please call me Slender." He said. "Ok.." I said. I thought for a second. Wait? Is he going to make me kill?! "I can read your mind and no. Im not forcing you too. I only assign my proxies to." He said. I tilted my head. "What?" I asked. He face palm. "They work for me if that's the easist way to say it." Slender told. "Oh ok.." I said. I was still scared.

  "Would you like to meet them?" He asked. "S-sure." I said. "Alright then you can meet the pastas few by few. Let me get them." He said. Then teleported away. I walked around the room looking for a way to escape before they can get back. I didn't find anything. There where no windows. "Thats her?" Someone asked. I turned back and saw three new people. One with a white mask pointing at me with his brown hair. Next to him was someone with a hoodie. It was inbetween yellow and orange. His face was completely black except for his red eyes and red frown. Behind them was someone but I couldn't really see who. "(F/N) this is Masky and Hoodie. By the apperence you can tell. Behind them is Toby. Come out." Slender said to the hidden boy. He came out. I was shocked. He had messy brown hair with orange goggles on them. He looked at me with his brown eyes but his mouth guard covered part of his face. "Say hi stupid." Masky said. Slender face palms again. Those two must not get along. "Y-You didn't!" He said while he twitch and tic.

   "Gosh be nice. And dont kill her." Slender said. "Yes sir!" Toby said. "Toby stop." Hoodie said. Maybe there not so bad after all. "So who'd ya meet?" Toby asked as he got near my face. "She met E.J, Clockwork, and Jeff." Slender said. "But Jeff wasn't allowed too." Masky said. "I know." Slender answered.

   "Well one of you can train her." Slender said. "Killing wise?" Masky asked. Slender shook his head. "Like running away from fangirls and survival wise." Slender said. "Whos gonna give her a tour?" Hoodie asked. "Oo ohhh Can I can I can I?!" Toby asked repeatedly. Slender sigh. "Fine. But if anything happens (F/n) come to me or one of the pastas and let them know its Toby. Trust me they will understand." Slender said. He teleported away with Masky and Hoodie.

  "Lets g-go!" Toby said as he tugged my arm. He pulled me out of the room. Showing me who's room is which. It was kinda boring at first until we reached a door that had a poster of Link with a knife on him. Toby knocked on the door. I had a vad feeling about this. The door opened showing a boy who also looks like Link but his eyes were way different. They were pitch black with red in the middle. "Who's this cutie?" He asked. "Was that you trying to flirt cause it was pretty bad." I crossed my arms and looked at him. He looked shocked a bit. "Sassy. Im BEN. Nice to meet you." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Uh.. Your eyebrows." I said. He leaned in. "Wanna close look beautiful?" He asked. I pushed him back.

  "Wanna closer look of my fist." I said. "Nice seeing you BEN!" Toby said as he pushed him in his room and closed the door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away. This time not letting go. His hands were warm.

Toby's p.o.v~

  I pushed BEN back and shut his door. I didn't really know why I did this, I just had a weird feeling of doing so. I grabbed (F/n)'s hand and walked with her. I didn't want to let go. I wanted to hold her hand for a while, but it seems weird. Why am I being like this? I just kept thinking on why I did that to BEN. I need to say sorry later on. I stopped making (F/n) bump into my back. I turned around but relized how..... Small she was. I wanted to pet her head. She looked up at me. I sae her face turning red. To bad she didn't have a mouth guard like me. I was happy that I did. My jaw dropped. She was so cute close up.

  "Um." She awkwardly said. I backed up a bit.  "Sorry." I said. She slightly smiled. "Lets continue." I said. We continued to walk around as I showed her where things were. After that I showed her the room she will be staying in. After her thanking me I left to my room. I layed down in my bed and thinked of her. Her innocent face seemed so sweet like if I wanted to kiss her soft lips. And she was shorter then me a bit I wanted to carry her like a small child. I put the pillow over my face.

  "Gosh what wrong with me." I mumbled. "Love. Strange huh." Someone said. As I removed the blanket over my face and got up I saw BEN sitting on my table. "What do you want?" I asked. "Same what you want. "(F/n). Now I do t like her but what you did wasn't so nice now was it. I wanted to be her friend." He said. "Your not getting her." I said. He smirked. "Im a ladies man." He said. "Player." I hissed. "Now thats not what she thinks of me. Now is it?" He asked. I didnt say anything. I threw my pillow at him. He gliched behind me. And wispered in my ears. "See you tomorrow with her. I can't wait for her lips on mine." He laughed. I turned back but he was gone.

I'm not gonna make Toby twitch or tic in my book. Its to much work and I want to post as many chapters as I can and autocorrect ruins it -_-

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