the ex came back

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Hiyah guysssssss!! So yes And thanks for all he reads I havent got to count yet and all the followers!! so I am writing this because I know people are actually reading this!! so read and I think you need to vote a name for yourselves first four names get voted for!!! now read or die from my adorableness and im making it to where you cant choose the name im soooooooooooo sorry guys!! but its just too much ========= 

Your Pov!

As I walked through the door madam red said " Hello Dear! How I missed you on your trip! " she said smirking

" Haha very freaking funny! But where is Grelle? Isn't he ALWAYS with you? " I said teasing back

" Thats what im wondering! " she said

" So you lost a red headed gay and we lost a butler ? " I said and then smirked

" Anyone else thinking what im thinking ?" I said evily

" WHAT?!?!!  NO!!! Sebastian went out to find Grelle... Ohhhhhh Helllllll no!! " Ciel said

" Exactly!!! Now ya see what I mean? " I said

" All I see is a emo whore tryin to get herself beaten!!"

Lizzy said

" What is wrong with you Elizabeth?!? Are you TRYING to get yourself suspended from this school? and on your first day? " I said

" You already got suspended so why are you here? " she said

" Because this is Auntie Reds class and she lets me stay here for in school and its ony for 4 months!! " I said and everybody looked at me.

" What did you do? " everyone asked

" They found me and my boyfriend getting high. I dont see anywhere on the school rules where it says I cant!" I say. Elizabeth face palms

" Its common sense!! Where you raised around stoners?! " she said

" Actually im related to a creepypasta and my boyfriend is a creepypata too! So yes my brother and his boyfriend is a stoner, my lezbo friends are stoners, my uncles are stoners... and I my self and my boyfriend are stoners. " (LOTS stoners eh? XD )

"Wow you are crazy messed up! " Elizabeth said and a bunch of her friends started laughing

" Yeah , Yeah.... Funny aint it? We'll see who is laughing when I kill you infront of everyone who loves you! "



Hiyah guys I wrote this while I was in anoher state and there is no wifi!!! so when you read this dont think I forgot about ya! Byeeeeee Guysssss!!!!

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