I See London

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Gwen's POV
We were all sitting in the dunker. Only two teams were left. In my team was Heather, Sierra, Cody, Courtney, and me. The other team had Noah, Owen, Alejandro, Tyler and Dallas. Dallas and I had become really good friends. He started talking more and even won a whole challenge.

Heather was complaining about winning and being sent here in the loser bunker.
"We won why are we even in here?" Heather asked
"Cause Chris called said is talking to someone special and he also gets what he wants." Sierra said

I was looking at my hand. It had a sunburn on it.
"This hurts so bad." I said
"Try not to use it." Dallas said
"It's my hand dominant hand." I said holding my wrist

Courtney walked over and pushed him off the seat.
"Here put your hand in this, it's come homemade aloe." She said

I looked at it and put my hand it.
"You know you could of just asked me to move." Dallas said getting up

Courtney was about to tell me what I was made up of when she got cut off from Noah and Owen. They were snorting milk and peppers or something like them. He did another one and a pepper flew out of his nose and hit the hall. It went and hit the wall between us. It flew and hit the bench next to Alejandro. He got disgusted and then got up.

Camera View

Alejandro walked over to first class room. Chris and Chef were talking to some with a shining knife in his hands. Alejandro gasped and they all looked outside. He ran back into the bunker before he guy could come out. They all looked at him.

Chris walked into the room.
"Okay everyone" Chris said
They all walked over.

"First challenge of the day grab a parachute and jump." Chris said
"But there's only ten and there's eleven of us." Noah said
"Well looks like one of you have to share one." Chris said

Everyone but Noah grabs one for themselves.
"You can come with me." Owen said and everyone started jumping

"World! Why you hate me so....?" Noah asked as they jump off the plane

Dallas's POV
Everyone left their parachutes and got on a red double-decker bus. Gwen sat down next to Courtney. I starred at Gwen and she laughed with Courtney. I sighed as I knew I was falling in love her and she hasn't even noticed. Mostly everyone know but her. Courtney was trying to hook me up with her but I don't know why did that to me earlier today.

Chris started talking about the challenge. We had to go through clues to find a man dressed up as Jack the Ripper. He was also hunting us down and if got caught he would take us somewhere.

He dropped us off in front of two guards. We had to strip them for the first clue. The bell went off and I sighed.

"Changing the Guard Mix" plays

Camera View

Sierra finds the clue and they read it. The five of them run off towards the castle. Sierra grabs Cody as they stop in the middle of the castle.
"You know this is where prince or princesses would run off to find and kiss their loves." Sierra says
"That's nice Sierra, but I think we should go back..." Cody stops and him and Sierra screams

"Hurry up!" Alejandro rushes Tyler as he uses his teeth to undress the guard
"What are you doing?" Noah asks as he takes the last clothing item off.
"I thought you had to use your teeth." Tyler says
"No!" Noah says

They all looked at each other.
"Wow" Owen says and takes the hat off his head
The clue then falls to the ground.

"Nice Owen" Alejandro says
Owen fake smiles.

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