Sour Sweden

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Camera View

In the first class. Noah, Alejandro, Duncan, and Dallas are seen sitting all apart from each other. Dallas was sadly looking out the window. Noah is seen watching him. Duncan was sighing to himself. Alejandro was sitting eating cookies.

In the loser lounge Cody's in a ball. Sierra was looking out the window. Heather is pissed glaring at Sierra. Courtney is sad put her head in her hand.


Is sitting there with her arms cross
"I still don't understand why she did." *sighs* "She was a strong player."


"It's been what a week since she's gone I miss her, she wasn't even supposed to leave. Chris should of said something!"




"I'm glad Gwen's gone, she was keeping me away from MY Cody, but I'll probably be the next to leave since I was supposed last time."


The jumbo jet lands on ice and everyone walks out. They automatically start shivering. They look around.
"Where are we?" Courtney asks
"Gothenburg, Sweden!" Chris says

"W-w-where are our j-j-jackets you promised us?" Heather asks
Chris looks around oblivious to the fact that he's wearing a jacket.
"They must of gotten lost in Canada." Chris says

They all groan.


"The last time we were frozen I have my jacket up to Gwen after she fell into the icy water in Canada...good times...I miss her...a lot."


"Your challenge is to make a ship with the supplies that are in the boxes. Once you make your ship you are to push it into the water and capture the flag. Whoever captures the flag wins the better equipment for the battle of the ships." Chris says

"On your make! Get set! Build your ship!" Chris yells.

Both teams run over to their boxes. The each breaks apart their box.

Noah's POV
"They shouldn't be working good today since they lose one of their best teammates yesterday." Alejandro said
"True, but it does effect us too." I said
"How?" Alejandro asked

I pointed to Duncan and Dallas they were both not paying attention.

Courtney's POV
We were all fighting over the ship.
"What do you want to do Cody?" Heather asked
"Gwen" he said

"Well you go can go sit on a rock over there and do whatever you wanna do." Heather said and Cody got up and walked away

Camera View

Both teams start building their ship. The bell rings and the music starts. Everyone groans.

"Build Gwen's Face" plays.....but instead its build the ship.

The boys where done and the guys pushed it into the water. The girls were all dying to get Cody into their ship. As the guys row to the flag. Courtney jumps up and throws Cody into the ship and Heather starts pushing.

Noah grabs the flag and a cannon and three hard balls gets dropped onto the ship.

Team Amazon comes up next to them. Courtney jumps down and uncovers what they have and a bunch of rocks.
"A slingshot?" Courtney asked
"Should of gotten here first." Duncan says

"At least we don't have three things of ammo." Heather says
Alejandro rolls his eyes.

Chris stands at the edge of the ice.

"Since Chris is Really Hot won they got the cannon, but only have here ammo. Team Amazon got here second so they got a slingshot with many more rocks. You both get ten seconds to get as far away as you can." Chris says
"Time starts now!" Chris yells

Both teams go away from each other. Heather takes a rock and the slingshot and it goes across but doesn't hit the ship.
"Nice try!" Alejandro yells
Courtney takes the slingshot and grabs a rock. She pulls it back and the rock goes into the same place.
"You're not any better." Heather says and takes it
Courtney takes it back as they start fighting over it.

Sierra watches and looks at Cody who's still sitting in a ball rocking back and forth. There was then a splash.
"Look at what you did Courtney!" Heather yells
"What I did do?" Courtney asks


"How dare she blame all that on me."


"Another reason why Chris should of stopped Gwen. Gwen would of stopped Courtney and let me take charge like I always do!"


"Well the girls can't do anything one hit will do who will do the honors?" Noah asks
"Oh I think it should be Duncan." Alejandro said
"Sure" Duncan says and loads it up

He aims for the bottom of the ship. He hits the small ship and they all jump from it and the ship stinks.
"Lets go!" Alejandro said

All the guys expected Dallas celebrate. They get off the ship as goes to the girls. Which person boards the jumbo jet. The jet starts and everyone on the Team Amazon looks around.

Team Chris is Really Really Really Hot is in the first class. Noah watches Dallas. Alejandro is at the bar and Duncan is seen craving the letter G&D with a heart on the seat. Dallas is seen drawing someone. He looks up at the camera and hides it.

Chris comes in and Team Amazon walks out and sits on the elimination room. Team Chris is Really Really Really Really walks in.

Each person walks into the confessional and submits their votes.
"Wow with thee votes against her Sierra...but with today being a reward today, Team Chris is Really Really Really Hot gets free Viking style back massages and the girls have a freebie." Chris says

They all stare at him.

"Tone in for next time on Total drama World Tour."

Duncan's POV
"What?" Chris asked looking at us all
"You're telling me that this time we don't have an elimination, after what happened last week?" Heather asked
"Yes" Chris said

"The same person would be going home." Courtney said
"No one would be like this." Alejandro said
"It's not my fault Gwen decided to pull a Duncan and go." Chris said

I rolled my eyes.
"No seriously that's just wrong." Heather said
"Find would you like it if I asked Geoff to host an Aftermath where everyone gets a chance back onto the show?" Chris asked
"Yes!" We all said

Well y'all probably know what next episode is going to be so see ya next time.

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