She Failed

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'How about you?
Are you really fine?
Guess our break up is setting
I should forget you but it's not easy'
ー Soundtrack : If you, Bigbang

She Failed

The warm breeze of summer night touched Jennie's pale porcelain skin. Her long brown locks tussled with the soft wind.

Jennie swallowed the forming lump in her throat, nervousness aroused inside of her when she accidentally met his penetrating gaze.

Not that she was avoiding it but more like, she's anxious for no one at the sky garden except the two of them and it felt awkward.

"Is it really okay with this to Jisoー"
Taehyung interrupted her with a nod as he quickly brings out the main topic without a sweat.

"Jennie, I don't know why you still want to talk to me when our break up was crystal clear already."
She faced him, he was stoic. She can't read what's on his mind, usually Taehyung let her know what he feels in that instant but now looking at those pair of dark orbs she loves to stare before and yes, up to now.

Something is blocking his emotions, or maybe he just changed. A lot can happen in four years, even herーJennie changed.

Or maybe, it's the way they treat each other now was the thing that changed.

"Taehyung, don't you missed us? Everything in our world has been perfect. We barely argue, we have so much in common and we were each other's refuge."
Jennie started with a soft smile on her lips, she was not looking at him, she was staring at the starry night sky, she was afraid to see his reaction, afraid that she might end up giving him up without a good fight and she doesn't want that.

She wants him back.

"Jennie, what are you implying to?"
Taehyung raised a brow, his forehead creasing. There's a hint of disappointment in his tone but Jennie chose to ignore that.

"Don't you want me back?"

"Look Jennie, Iー"
Jennie smiled bitterly when Taehyung suddenly stop from talking. He's lost for words.

"Because Taehyung after all these years, I'm still in love with you. I take it all back, I should've said 'yes' when you asked me to marry you, I'm sorry. It's just that I felt pressured achieving my goals to the point that I didn't even choose what's right for me. I'm so stupid to think that letting you go and chase my dreams would make me happy, Taehyung I was wrong. I'm so sorry."
Jennie reached for his hands as she held it tight close to her. Eyes are bloodshot red and lips quivering from all the sudden confession.

"Jennie, that's the problem. I wasn't even part of your goals in life. I doubt that you even think of our own future together back then. While me? It was all well planned. To where would I love to take you for a honeymoon, to where would we build our future dream house together.... Heck, I even write a list of baby namesー That's how I loved you, Jennie."
Taehyung said honestly with his gentle eyes never leaving hers, behind the blurred vision Jennie could see the sadness and disappointment written in his dark orbs.

Her shoulders shake, sobbed wracked her small body. The truth painfully struck her like a lightning straight into her fragile heart, piercing as it shattered into a million pieces.

"You hurt me, Jennie. You left me because of your dreams and I understand that. Really... but it was painful, there wasn't a day that I wasn't thinking about you and everything felt so messed up, I was devastated when you left to the point that all of my members were worriedly sick about me as they dashed me into a fucking therapist because I got depressed by losing you."
Jennie let go of his hands only to put her palms on her eyes, pressing it hard. Thinking that maybe if she did that, her tears will eventually stop.

"And Jisoo was there Jennie, she was there when all things don't matter to me anymore. She brightened my world and taught me how to live life again. She was there when you left me."
Another painful word struck her heart. Jennie can't even breathe. She can only cry from hearing the truth.

"I- I'm so s-sorry."
She stammered. Her cries worsened, preventing her to speak comprehend words.

Taehyung gently pulled her into a hug, drawing circles on her back to comfort Jennie.

"Hey, it's okay."
His deep calm voice somewhat soothes her, sugarcoating what's apparently broken.

"Don't you think four years is enough already, Jennie? You should let yourself free from this. You deserve better."
Taehyung planted a friendly kiss on the top of Jennie's head, breaking the last strand of hope she has inside of her.

"I am happy now. You should too."

Fix: K.JN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now