Sandra St. Clair

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Now usually cheerleaders are really supercilious. Sorry hee hee. I have a really large

vocabulary. Supercilious means snobbish, haughty, uptight, ect. But then she came

into my life. Her name was Sandra. Sandra St. Clair. The most gorgeous being in the

whole entire universe. Well to me anyways. She never hung out with any of the other

cheerleaders. At lunch, she would sit with the chess club. Yeah, with us nerds. She was

the most sweetest thing in the world. She was actually really good at chess. She often

won chess games that some of the boys challenged her to. She's in the science club. But

all I do is stare at her and dream of things that I don't even think is legal. Well, not law

wise. Ok, now I sound like a creep, but you get what I mean, right? You don't? Oh, well,

too bad. Haha sorry. I just don't know how to explain it. Anyways I don't usually sit at

the boys table when Sandra was there. So most of the time. I didn't because I was too

scared and to shy to be around her. I'm afraid she'll think I'm a weirdo or something.

But today I didn't think of that at all. Nash and Aaron had me too distracted with some

project we were doing for science class.

"So you think we should put this here?" Aaron asked.

"If you wanna blow up the school then yes." Joked Nash.

"Well then do you have a better idea genius?" Aaron said challengingly.

Nash and Aaron started arguing over what should go where and who should do what,

that they didn't even notice Sandra sitting down next to them. As soon as I saw her I got

all nervous. I wanted to get up and leave, but that would be so rude of me. A boy named

Marcel sat down next to me. Marcel was one of the smartest kids that I have ever

known. Marcel had a major crush on Sandra's sister, Rose. Rose was really pretty too.

She had a rich dark chocolate coloured skin. And deep red hair. She had blue eyes, "As

bright as the sun and as deep as the sea." Marcel would always say. Anyways I looked

away hoping that Sandra wouldn't notice me. Well, all hopes failed.

"Hi Carter." She said smiling at me.

I looked up at her nervously. OH MY GOD, SHE KNOWS MY NAME! HOW IN THE


Wait, of course you didn't tell her, you're the one reading this, I'm such a geek. Haha.

Sorry. I forgot she said hi to me, so I just kept staring at her. I guess I was making her

feel uncomfortable, because her eyes moved from left to right like: "Uhm, are you okay?

You look like you just seen the eighth wonder of the world." kinda face. I was getting

really nervous. I looked at her; she smiled. I managed a nervous smile back. I got too

nervous, so I got up and walked away as quick as I could, without looking back. I felt

really bad, because I probably hurt her feelings. I went into the auditorium. I sat down

in a corner somewhere backstage. I didn't here the bell ring so I happened to miss class

by accident. And because I missed class, I got in so much trouble...

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