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"I'm driving!" Jisung declared, spinning the keys around his finger. You know, sometimes I forget that he's in eleventh grade now and can drive.

"Not my car." I quickly snatched them from his hand.

Jisung gave a fake cough. "Our car," he corrected me. I rolled my eyes in response.

Jisung finally gave in to me driving, taking the passenger seat instead. Jueun, Hana, and Chenle filled in the remaining seats. Mi-Cha would've gone with us, but Jaemin is driving his car, and she decided to ride with him. The rest filled in their places.

"Chenle, could you stop moving so much?" Hana asked. I glanced in the rear-view mirror to see Chenle shifting around in his middle seat uncomfortably. He also kept messing with his white Smurf beanie.

"Sorry," he apologized. "It's just really cramped back here."

I laughed internally, noticing a gap between him and Jueun, who was squished against the side door. They've been so awkward around each other.

I ship it.

Since I had absolutely no idea where I was going, Jisung had to read off the directions from the online invitation.

"To the right," Jisung stated.

"TAKE IT BACK NOW Y'ALL!" Hana yelled from the back.

"ONE HOP THIS TIME!" Jueun went on.

"RIGHT FOOT LET'S STOMP!" This time, Chenle was jumping into the song. "LEFT FOOT LET'S STOMP!"

"CHA CHA REAL SMOOTH!" Jisung let his phone fall into his lap as they all cha-cha'd from their seats. I mentally facepalmed while laughing, giving in to join while keeping one hand attached to the steering wheel.

It was about seven in the evening by the time we showed up. We must have estimated the timing wrong, because we were almost half an hour early. "I guess we could go and see if there's anything we can help with," I suggested as I unlatched my seatbelt.

The rest of the group gathered together so we could walk in together. A guy with bright red hair showed up in torn and ratty clothes. He was holding a box of beer, about to enter the barn.

"Aye, we have some early birds," the guy who I guessed to be G-Dragon stated. He eyeballed us with a huge grin. "I'm your host, G-Dragon. Who's excited to party?"

"Me!" Chenle exclaimed. "This is my first party!"

"Well, I can tell you now..." G-Dragon leaned forward. "It'll be a great one."

"Can we help with anything?" I asked.

G-Dragon nodded. "If you could help carry up the beverages to the second floor, that would be great."

We all moved to the stacks of cases and bottles. "Um..." I started, picking up two bottles of whiskey. "Are there any non-alcoholic drinks?"

G-Dragon poked his head from around the corner. "I have water bottles already upstairs. Plus, soda to mix the alcohol with." He gave a quick wink before disappearing again.

I gave Jisung a hard stare, pointing in his direction. "No alcohol, understand me?"

My younger brother held his hands up defensively. "Jeez, of course not. I have common sense."

After carrying all the drinks up, I could finally admire the place. Jisung wasn't kidding when he said G-Dragon decked this place out with decorations. It looked really nice, almost like it was never abandoned in the first place. The barn had a second floor that seemed pretty open, which seemed to be where the music would be coming from.

"Was this stage here before you fixed up the place?" I asked G-Dragon, pointing to the elevated floor on the second story of the barn.

"Nope," he said. "It was built during the summer when I started thinking of plans for this old barn. We're gonna have a live band playing."

"Nice," I awed at how incredible this party is turning out to be.

"And there they are!" G-Dragon motioned towards the five people making their way up the stairs with instruments in hand. Someone trailed in the back, with only a part of his drum kit.

"Hey, can I get some help with the rest of my drums and overall equipment?" he asked.

"Yo, can you get your friends to get the rest of their stuff?" G-Dragon asked me.

"Of course. Anything to help out." I gave a quick nod to the band as I passed.

The van was parked right next to the barn door for easy access, that will soon be moved before the other guests arrive. On the side of the vehicle, there was a big and bold print that said 'DAY6'. That must be the name of the band.

It looked like the place was completely set and ready for everyone to arrive. G-Dragon was already getting a head start on the beverage table. The band was on the stage, passing time by practicing and joking around.

G-Dragon came over back to our huddle crowded together on the couch. "Do any of you need something to drink?"

"We're fine," I spoke for the group, who nodded in agreement.

"By the way, can I get all of your names. If you tell me in about an hour I won't remember a thing. I'm a fast drinker." He let out a laugh, and we awkwardly joined in.

After a brief introduction, we noticed a couple people filtering into the barn. G-Dragon lifted his arms into the air, giving a "YOOO! ARE YOU READY TO PARTY?"

The band started up, playing a song called 'I'm Serious'. Very catchy, not gonna lie. Jaemin tugged on Mi-Cha's arm, asking her to dance with him. She finally gave in, letting Jaemin lead her into the growing crowd of people.

"Wow, the band sounds amazing," Renjun commented. "Does someone want to go watch them with me?"

"I'll go," Jeno stood up immediately. His expression suddenly changed from excitement to hesitation. "I mean... if no one else wants to."

"You two have fun." I gave them a small shove into the crowd. A heavy sigh left me before I stood up as well. "Hey, this is a party, so we should have fun." I grabbed Haechan's arm, forcing him to stand with me. "At least pretend like you can deal with me just for this night. Then you can go back to being mad at me for no reason."

Haechan was about to say something, but me dragging him away made him stop. It wasn't long before we came across Mi-Cha and Jaemin.

"Hey," Mi-Cha greeted us, having to yell over the blaring music. "I see you two are getting a little more back on track," she said the last part more to just me.

"I don't know. I told him to at least pretend. He's probably still mad."

"Don't worry about it." Mi-Cha continued to move along with the beat of the song. Jaemin's had an arm draped around her as he did the same. I turned to see Haechan just standing there. I picked up his arms and started moving both myself and him along to the song.

His eyes stayed fixed on the band as I tried to get him to dance with me. I noticed the corners of his lips twitch as I continued. Finally, Haechan hung his head unable to hide his smile.

"Stop, I'm supposed to be mad at you," he told me, now chuckling.

"I can't stop. This song is too good." I ducked under Haechan's arm, making him twirl me. After I spun around, he pulled me against him.

"You make things so difficult don't you," he teased jokingly.

"It's hard not to."

Haechan locked his lips with mine. Finally, back to normal. I could actually breathe now without any worry built inside.

I kissed him back, feeling our smiles pressed against each others.

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