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Jueun's P.O.V

     Chenle held the sword with a tight grip. He seemed so nervous that it would hurt anyone bumping into him.

     "Where did Yuta go?" Chenle asked me. I watched as his eyebrows lower in worry. I just wanted to hug him and tell him it'll be alright.

     "We need to get to the spirit," I told Chenle. "We have the sword, so that means it's up to us."

     "Jueun," Chenle whispered. I couldn't hear him, but I read the words from his lips. "I can't do this." I noticed his breath growing heavier. "All these people... I think I'm going to pass out."

    I grabbed Chenle by the arms and began to shuffle my feet passed different people. Chenle kept his head bent over to watch the sword that was between us.

     "Can we please sit somewhere?" Chenle begged.

We had reached an area that was a little more open, so I could let him go.

     "Head to one of the small rooms."

     Chenle quickly started toward a back room, far from the commotion. Before continuing, he turned to me with an outstretched hand. "Take my hand."


     "I'm trying to be a gentleman, dang it, please take my hand."

     "Chenle," I sighed. "Now isn't the time to worry about that." Despite the situation, I obeyed his wish and took his hand. 

     "It's really mostly for my own comfort," Chenle admitted with no shame.

     I couldn't help but find that adorable. I gently rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb as we sank into the far room. No one was in it, and it was blocked off from the rampage. The room had warm lights around the edge, but near the back was a purple light bulb over the couch. It was small, but roomy enough for the both of us.

     "Are you doing okay, other than the fact that a ghost is trying to kill us?" I let go of Chenle's hand and rested it against his back.

     He kept his eyes on the samurai sword, gleaming in his hand. "No, I don't feel good at all. I really don't."

     It pained me to see the normally bright and happy dolphin turn so gloomy. The corners of his mouth were angled down in a subtle frown. His face looked worn out. I missed hearing his laughs that always gave me joy.

     "You have our ticket to freedom," I told him. My hand lightly scratched his back to soothe his stress. "I know you can do it, Chenle."

     His eyes left the shining blade to look into my stare. His chin angled down to match since I was only the height of his jaw. The sword slowly slipped out from his grasp and landed on the ground.

     "How can we even kill it if we can't see it?" Chenle spoke with reason, which only made me feel worse. "And if we gave the sword to someone who is drunk, how would they be able to complete the task when their coordination is all out of whack?"

     I didn't know how to respond to his truth. He's right, this was almost impossible to do. I let out a sharp exhale, my hand falling from Chenle's back.

    He suddenly shivered. Chenle brought his hands to his upper arms like he was cold. Then, his body turned rigid.

     "Chenle?" I questioned, but I got no reply. "Oh god, Chenle!" My hands rested on top of his.

     Chenle's stare was distant and unconnected from mine. It was like Chenle had transferred to a different place, while his body remained here.

     A huge gasp left him.

     Chenle's body collapsed to the floor. I let out a scream, dropping next to him. Chenle rolled around on the floor, his face scrunched in immense pain. "Jueun!" he cried. "I think it's the spirit!"

     My hands covered my mouth. I was frozen in fear. "W-what do I do?"

     "This is our chance!" Chenle grunted through his suffering.

     "What do you mean, Chenle?" I was now crying out my words as well. "What are you talking about?"

     Chenle's trembling hand found mine, gripping it tight. "The sword... it's right behind you!"

     My heart stopped beating and my breath caught in my throat.

     "If you take the sword into me... The ghost will have to die!"

     "No!" I screamed. Tears welled in my eyes and I coughed out a sob.

     "I'm holding it back the best I can." His words began to soften as he suppressed the torture. I could read in his eyes, the suble change of gleam, that the ghost was trying to possess Chenle. "You have to now. This may be our only chance to save everyone."

     "I can't do it!" I shook my head, vigorously back and forth. "Don't make me do this, Chenle!" I coughed a couple more sobs while I held his hand close to my face. My body bent forward as I hoped with every inch of my being that this is all a nightmare. That I can wake up and Chenle is fine. That we're all okay.

     "Please," Chenle whispered. I watched a tear slowly streak down his cheek. "It hurts."

     My hands were shaking when I removed them from Chenle's. They fumbled for the sword, clumsily. It was hard to see with my eyes glazed over. I stood to my feet, hovering the blade above Chenle. After I was in a position, my joints locked up in resistance.

     "Kill it," Chenle ordered through his clenched jaw. More tears leaked from his squinted eyes, cascading down the side of his face.

     "Chenle, I really can't!" I cried and cried, occasionally sucking in huge gasps of air because I couldn't breathe. "I like you so much. I wish I told you sooner, but my god Chenle, I like you so much." My voice cracked and I bent my head to hide my face. "If I take this sword to you, you'll die!"

     "Jueun," this was the calmest his voice has sounded. "I like you too."

     I sniffed, looking back to Chenle. The veins in his neck were prominent from his defense against the spirit. His hands quivered as he reached for the blade. They wrapped the sword, drawing it closer to him. Dark red blood ran down his hands and arms from the edge cutting into his palms. It looked like freshly spilled ink that dripped down a piece of parchment.

     "Call me crazy," he let out a soft huff and cracked a watery smile, "but I think I'm in love with you."

     Chenle pulled the blade down into his side. He didn't scream in pain. He didn't even lash out to remove the blade. A bright flash of white shone in his eyes before he fell silent. Cold. Relaxed. Scarlet liquid still oozed from his wounds.

     I fell to my knees once again. My sobs had ceased and my tears stopped forming. I guess this is what you call shock. It's a funny thing, isn't it?

     Even when the worst of the worst happens, shock is there to stop you from feeling. My hands, still trembling, cupped his cheeks. The color already seemed to be draining right before my eyes.

     That's when the shock was lifted and instead, I was hit with reality.

     I screamed and began to sob once again. I yelled out his name and shook his shoulders. I called out to him desperately trying to pull him back. I wanted more than anything to go back and save him.

     Call me crazy, but I think I'm in love with you too, Chenle.

(A/N): one more chapter...

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