I Love You (Evil AU Sanses x Baby Golden Dragon Reader) Part 2

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This was requested by shy-softflower
Thank you for your support! :)

2nd Person Pov
You woke up about four hours later, you were still in the skeleton's arms. You yawned softly and jumped out of his arms. You noticed to skeletons were up, a glitchy one and the goopy one. You walks to the couch and tried to climb up on it, a slimy black tendril helped you up. The glitched one looked at the black goopy one, "You like em'?" He questioned. "Yeah, it's okay, I guess. Could still be a nuisance." He answered. You tilted your head as the two spoke. Once it had come to the goopy one's attention that you were still being held by the tendril he gently placed you down on his lap. About an hour later the glitchy one fell asleep and the goopy one looked to you, "I don't suppose you can talk." You gave a chirp. "Hehe, you can try, well anyway, the names Nightmare." He gave a light smile. You gave a light purr and rubbed against him. He gently rub his thumb against your head and held me closely. Once again you fell asleep, this time in Nightmare's armsz

Undertale/FNAF/Creepypastas/Warriors x reader (oneshots) (request allowed)Where stories live. Discover now