The nice list !! ^^^^

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey everybody! Welcome to this fic! Just so you know, this starts off a bit slow, but things pick up by the end of Chapter 2. Also, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT GENRE THIS IS. It kind of has everything, but there's a ton of humor (at least, people are increasingly telling me so in the reviews!) and it's technically a romance, so I put that. I'll explain more later.

Because I joined the party late and people keep asking: As of DECEMBER 2017, I AM STILL UPDATING. (I'll try to remember to update that date with each chapter I post!)

You should also know that—except for shifting ROTG back to take place in the same year as Frozen—I make a great effort to STAY AS 100 PERCENT TRUE TO THE CHARACTERS AND SETTINGS AS POSSIBLE. Despite the fact that we are taking a page from Disney's and Dreamwork's books and flinging historical accuracy out the window, it is now 1842. Earlier this year, in March, Jack Frost became a Guardian, and in July, a young woman named Elsa was crowned the Queen of Arendelle. Skip forward to the following December, and our story begins.



"Sorry, Phil!"

A gust of icy wind tore through the Workshop, rattling the silver lids against their platters and sending a shudder through the Guardians as it swept past. North slapped his hands down onto the table, rising from his chair and letting out a hearty laugh as the gangly, white-haired figure shot up past the globe, flipping over the Control Station balcony and tumbling forward through the air in a flurry of snowflakes.

"JACK FROST!" he boomed, his stomach shaking. "COME! Sit down at table and eat!"

Jack laughed as he dropped onto the carpet, kicking his staff onto his shoulder. "I was kind of surprised to get your summons," he admitted, a wave of confusion sweeping over his face, "Um—what's all this?"


"I can see that," he chuckled, eying the banners hanging from the rafters above the table. "But—um—what—are we celebrating? Exactly?"

There was a faint whirring sound, and Jack raised his eyebrows, glancing back to the other end of the table. Toothiana was hovering above her seat.

"You, Jack," she smiled. "We're celebrating you."

Looking down to his feet, Jack smiled sheepishly, giving an embarrassed little shrug and sticking his free hand into his pocket. North beamed, beckoning to yeti standing at attention by the fireplace, and the yeti snorted, shuffling forward to meet him. Handing the Guardian of Wonder a scroll, it then stepped back, standing at attention as North unrolled it, holding it up in the air.

"For the first time in three hundred and nineteen years," North announced, pausing to raise a bushy eyebrow in Jack's direction and clear his throat, "Ahem—three hundred and nineteen YEARS—an individual currently known by the name of Jack Frost has made the Nice List."

Trumpets blared, and Jack's eyes widened as a pair of yetis regally stepped forward, draping a garland over his shoulders. "Now—wait," Jack laughed, "Seriously?"

"You're not the only one who's surprised," a gruff voice scoffed. "I couldn't believe it either."

The Youngest Guardian arched an eyebrow, looking back to the table. "Thanks for that vote of confidence, Bunny."

A distinct, golden shimmering glimmered through the air as the Sandman, floating a few inches above his seat, silently laughed at Jack's retort, seeing the Guardian of Hope's expression. Grinning eagerly, Jack then pulled out one of the old wooden chairs from the table and scrambled into it, dropping the shepherd's crook in front of him with a clatter.

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