Kiss and Tell

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The next morning, I was laying facing Mike's bed and I opened my eyes to him on his phone. He turned to me and said "you're up! Good morning sunshine" I tiredly smiled "hello" I croaked. "My mom is at work but Ty and Molly are here" he informed me "the twins, right?" I asked "Yep" he nodded. "So how did you sleep?" Mike wondered "great actually! Very comfortable"
"Good, do you want breakfast?"
"Yeah, here?"
"No, we could go to Panera or something"
"Okay, can I go home and get a change of clothes?"

Mike opened up the bedroom door and the twins were in the living room. Their heads turned "hey Tyson, Molly!" I grinned "Celeste slept over! Does mom know?" They completely ignored me and began to talk to Mike. "Duh, mom said it would be okay, we will be going out to breakfast. That means you two are home alone for a while until I come home. Be good and behave!" Mike demanded. "We will be" "could you say hello to CeCe instead of just ignoring her like you just did next time?" Mike crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow appalled.

"Sorry... hey Celeste!" They finally acknowledged my presence I waved and Mike and I went out to my car. "Panera, that's the plan?" I asked "if you're okay with it then yeah." I nodded "after we eat breakfast I have to drop you off and then I have to go home. I promised Faith that I would go with her to the mall." "That's fine" he took my hand that was placed on the wheel and interlocked it in his. He kissed the back of my hand and let it go. We went to my house which was very empty at the moment to get new clothes and we headed to Panera.

Panera was great, memories of when I first saw Mike flooded my thoughts. After we ate I dropped him off and gave him a kiss goodbye. "Text you later?" I called out to him before he went inside his house "Yeah, bye have fun with Faith, I love you!" "Love you too" I laughed. I put the car into reverse and headed back home.

I pushed open the front door and was greeted by Amber and a couple of her other friends that went to her college. "Hey!" She shouted "hey...?" "So... how was it, you know sleeping over at your boyfriend's house?!" Her friends were on the couch nodding eagerly "mom and dad told you?" I wondered "yes. DON'T avoid the question missy!" "It was...nice. We first had a night picnic and stargazed as we listened to music. He played my wedding song... he told me I was the one that he was going to marry..."

I paused wanting to see Amber's reaction. "OMG! Did he propose! You are a SOPHOMORE please tell me he didn't!" She squeaked. "He didn't, after that I drove him back to his house and he asked me to sleep over. His mom and our mom said yes so we blew up an air mattress in Mike's room and we fell asleep. Then before I came here he took me to breakfast at Panera, which is were we first met" I finished. "Aww my sophomore sister is a big

Joslyn held out her hands to her heart and exclaimed "I wish my boyfriend would do that for me!" I laughed, "It was good catching up but I need to get ready to go to the mall with Faith." I headed up to the stairs as Amber called "wow busy bee are we?" "You know it!"

With the time I had left until I had to go pick Faith up I texted Mike.

Hey Mike, guess what...


Amber knows about the date

Ha! How did that go down?

Awful... she kept saying
"Aw my baby sister is all
grown up now!"

Aw my poor baby

Ha! It's fine I'll talk
to you soon, I have to
go pick up Faith

Okay talk to you later!

Once Faith and I arrived at the mall we walked straight to Urban Outfitters. We bought a couple of clothes then we went to the food court. I wasn't that hungry but there was Taco Bell and I couldn't pass that up. We sat down to eat and Faith asked me "so, what did you do last night?"

I have been dreading this question... she will NOT let it go and talk to Mike all about it. "Not much..." she gave me a 'girl you better tell me the truth' type of look "okay... Mike took me out on a stargazing picnic date. We danced to my wedding song and that's all that happened..." she raised an eyebrow, she knew I was hiding something. "He said that I was the girl that he was going to marry."

Faith's jaw dropped "REALLY!!" She screamed "Yes! Keep your voice down" I laughed "aw...there's something else you aren't telling me isn't there!" I avoided eye contact "There IS!" "I slept over at his house." I said bluntly "wait you slept with him!"

"Not like that! I slept on an air mattress in his room... the funny thing is that both our parents agreed that it was okay!" "No way!"

"Don't talk to Mike about it! Please, Faith" I pleaded

"I won't it will be hard to do but hey! You have an amazing BFF who is great at keeping secrets!"

"Thanks" I smiled "but he seriously wants to marry you?! That's real commitment right there" she laughed "he did... I told him that it was a little fast but he disagreed and said that he was completely serious about marrying me. I told him we could make it work just not now."

Faith smiled widely "OMG! That is so cute. Just imagine little baby Mikes and Celestes! Aw" I scrunched my face up in disgust "ew! Please don't imagine what our kids will look like." She giggled and we finished eating and began to continue shopping.
QOTD: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

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