A Promise Means Forever

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I woke the next morning to hot breath against my neck. I moved my hand until it reached Mike's cheek. Last night was perfect. Utter bliss. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly, I turned and smiled at him. "Hey baby!" He sleepily grumbled with a smirk. I kissed his lips and he held me close to him. He hummed and held my head to his muscular chest. I felt the indents of his abs on my fingertips.

I grabbed his muscular arms and squeezed them. He laughed lightly and kissed me slowly. "I missed everything about you baby girl." I laughed and ruffled his hair even more than it already was. "I am going to make breakfast" I stated "no, don't go yet... please... I just need this for a little longer" he pleaded with me. "You're lucky I love you" I smirked resting my head back onto his collar bone. He kissed my hair and breathed steadily.

Thirteen minutes after laying down on his warm body, I walked downstairs to make some French toast and sausage and eggs. While I was scrambling the eggs, Mike walked down now with his pants from last night but still no shirt. His hair was partly fixed and his beautiful ocean eyes seemed brighter than ever. "I wish we could do this every single day" he said simply with a small smile. "Me too baby, me too" I said as I grabbed his hair while he was holding my waist. "Last night was perfect" he whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheek. I nodded and shooed him out of the kitchen until the food was ready.

We finished eating and we cleaned up. I loaded the dishwasher and Mike went to sit on the couch. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck. "Come here, baby's girl" he smirked. So innocent yet so protective and sexy at the same time. I came and sat next to him and next thing I know I'm on top of him and he's kissing me long and there is practically no space between us. "Is this what it feels like to be walking on air? because I really think I am" I giggled.

He panted and smiled wide then leaned back in and kissed me more. "You do know that I really want you forever, don't you?" "Yes, you've told me many times. You know something, sometimes I feel like I'm in a book or a movie. This stuff doesn't just happen to people!" I smiled as he breathed on the back of my neck and just held me "trust me love, this is real life, no doubt about it" he whispered to me. I straddled his legs and continued to kiss him.

A couple of months ago we were so innocent that we barely even kissed and so much has changed since then. It's been a while and we've grown together which is the best way to grow. I love him no matter how weird he is. I will always know that he is my adorable weirdo.

Mike's POV

I love her. I want to marry her. I want to forever make her mine. She is perfect and sweet and lovely and beautiful inside and out. I just can't. I need her with me 24/7 I have become addicted. She's my beautiful girl. I love her so much and I'm so glad she's a part of my life! Suddenly, CeCe reached up my back and I tensed up as a reaction.

She felt my back muscles as she kissed my neck and bit my lower lip. I groaned pleased with her actions. I love her, not just because we are intimate and kissing all the time. I would still love her just as much if not more if we just cuddled and occasionally kissed each other. She is just perfect and has an amazing personality. She reached to my arms and moaned as I grabbed her waist and pulled her even closer to me, if that were even possible.

She let out a gasp and I tangled my fingers in her hair kissing her long and hard. I placed my hands gently on her thighs as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you" I mumbled against her lips. "I love you more" she spoke through gasps as I grabbed her thighs tighter with each kiss I planted on her lips. When I pulled away we were both panting trying to find the air to help us breath normally. "You aren't just using me are you?" She suddenly asked seriously.

"Celeste Marie, you know me better than that. Am I really that type of guy?" I asked her. She hesitated "...no..." she answered finally. "I would still love you even more if we didn't do this. I love you for you. Not what you do with me. I would never use you like that!" I confirmed. She nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder. Why would she ask such a ridiculous question like that? I would never use her. I love her for the person that she is! I decided to forget about it. Celeste did.

Again that same night we got into pjs and we dosed off to sleep. I kissed her head before sleeping and she showed a small soft smile. I will be with her forever, I just know it! She's perfect for me. I made up my mind to get her a ring. Not a wedding ring, a promise ring! Once I knew she was sound asleep, I snuck away to get the ring. I took her keys. This was very important.

I came back to her house with it in a velvet box. Tomorrow morning I'm giving it to her... it's settled. And with that I went right to sleep peacefully.
This will be the last chapter I'm posting today, I'll be posting more tomorrow and Monday
QOTD: What did you think about this chapter?!?!

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