: The Story :

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She jumped on her tiger and flew off, her partner bobbing in the saddle behind her. "Be careful! The gem is not indestructible," he shouted at her. She slowed her tiger slightly down -

"Nisi! Come here! It's dinner time!" My mom yelled.

"Coming, mom! Just a sec!"

- She slowed her tiger slightly down to a canter, his large paws crunching against the rainforest ground...

"Honey, get down here or I'll throw out your food! You know materials are scarce lately!"

"Ok, ok! I'm coming down now!"

I jumped off my dad's old armchair and swung around the door frame. I trotted down the stairs, my shaggy black hair hitting the narrow walls of the hallway. My mother was standing in the kitchen above our used sink. My small dinner was waiting on our ancient table, which was a chicken wing and some rice, and half a cup of water beside it. I sighed exaggeratedly, not sure when we would start having normal meals.

Brownie walked up to me, his tail waving side to side, and his ears twitching. He immediately reminded me of Bella, my white Persian cat who died walking across the street, while a car was zooming by. It was a sad experience, but I decided not to talk about it. My eyes watered and I sniffed as I thought about her.

Brownie jumped into my lap and I immediately felt better. I took a bite of my chicken wing and a forkful of rice. There was only a forkful of rice on the plate anyway though, so I ate the rest of my wing. I chugged down the half-cup-of-water, feeling as thirsty as ever.

" How are you feeling?" My mom asked, looking into my forest green eyes.

"I'm ok, I guess," I said. "But don't we have any vegetables? We have them every day."

"We ate them last night in the soup, and they need time to grow. Plus, we have to preserve everything."

I sigh exaggeratedly again.


I suddenly felt a bit sick, and like something... Something was calling me...

"Mom, can I take a small walk before bed?"

She nodded and dismissed me with a wave of her hand.

I got up from my chair and walked out the door, my hair catching the wind. It was chilly, but I was too lazy to get my coat and decided my thin cotton shirt and brown farm trousers would have to do.

As I walked, something drove me to the woods. I made a puzzled face, feeling strange. I walked into the woods, and ran into a little silver baby tiger, with black stripes, and little silver wings. My eyes widened, and I backed away. The little tiger tilted its head at me. I realized that he meant no harm, so I slowly stepped forward, my worn out shoes squishing on the soft watery soil. I held out my hand, and the little tiger sniffed it and rubbed its body against it.

"Aren't you a cute little creature!" I said.

It purred when it heard that.

"I know, right? Everyone says that."

alarming me, I jumped back.

"You-you can talk?" I asked.

"Yeah, duh," it said. "Did you think that I couldn't?"

"Well, sort of. I've never seen a tiger before."

"Oh, that's too bad. I can't believe it, though. It doesn't really make sense because your dad was around tigers all the time. My mom told me about your dad, how he cared for us, defended us, and healed our injuries when we went on dangerous hunts. He was so nice to us. Don't ask how he became nice. He came to the tiger cave long before I was born."

It closed its eyes.

"But, let's get back to the story. One day, someone in a black cloak knocked on the stone wall. Your dad came to answer but barely said a word, before the man pulled out a dagger and plunged it into your dad's heart. The scream, the AGONY, my mom told me, scarred her for life. All the tigers looked heartbroken, but they soon they gained strength to try to destroy him, but he just vanished into thin air. Literally!"

I sniffed and started crying. I buried my face in my hands, feeling really mournful. I wanted my dad to be here, and now. The tiger walked up to me and put a paw on me. I looked up, and he looked close to tears too. I wiped my eyes, feeling stronger. "Well, thank you for telling me that. We're in the present now, so let's stay in the present."

I picked him up and walked home on the soft squishy soil.

Hi guys! I'm a little newer to Wattpad, but I still know that bold means that the author is talking. Pls comment below if you like the first chapter!

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