Q&A / 2K18 WHOOP

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Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Years, and welcome to 2018! I know this is a little late but who cares?

2017 Was an interesting year to say the least. This time last year I had just been introduced to Wattpad and I really never thought that I would be here, a year later writing this story. I did take a break during the summer and I haven't been consistent with my writings but I'm happy for all the people who have stuck around this long. In December I tried writing a Christmas Fic and it worked for like 4 days and then I "got to busy". Even though I didn't finish it, writing that for about 5 days showed me that I can write a lot if I put my mind to it and I really hope that this year I will not only get on a good writing schedule and keep to it but also finish this story at chapter 40 or so.

I did this thing before I took a break where I accepted writing challenges like 'write a chapter with only 666 words' and 'use the phrase 'Viktor's nice butt'". I would like to start that up again! If Y'all have any suggestions then please tell me!

Q: One weird fact about yourself.

A: I cannot focus on one thing at a time! I will be watching my favourite movie and I'll pick up my phone and not pay attention or I'll be talking to a friend and then just start daydreaming or maybe I'll be writing a chapter of a story and then I forget a ton of words like: "And then she at him and his face" when I meant to write "And then she smiled at him and slapped him in the face."

Q: What's your favourite food?

A: Breakfast biscuits! I really don't know why...

Q: What was the first fandom I was apart of?

A: Harry Potter!!! I used to listen to the audiobooks when I was 5-8 to help me sleep.

Q: What's your favourite OTP?

A: I have so many...Right now it probably would be Phan but that's just because I've read more Phanfiction than anything else this past month.

Q: What are five of your fears?

A: 1. Being completely alone, 2. Coming out to someone and their reaction being negative, 3. Heights, 4. Getting myself in a situation that I cannot get out of, 5. The ghost that my best friend and I made up to explain why things happen around our houses. His name is Liam XD

Q: What do you look like?


Q: What is my favourite song?

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Q: What is my favourite song?

A: Happier by Ed Sheeran or  Havana by Camila Cabello.

Q: Do you have a crush?

A: I'm in a relationship so I suppose I have a crush on my boyfriend XD

Q: What is your middle name?

A: It's Natalie, but the ironic thing is every time I tell someone they don't believe me because my best friend's name is Natalie.

Q: How tall are you?

A: I AM 5'5 AND A HALF AND PROUD! Actually, I went to the Dr not long ago and the nurse measured me and said I was 5'4 which makes me by far the shortest in my family. I went back for a heart check up because my family is known for having heart problems and the lady there said I was really 5'5 and a half...so I may or may not have thrown a mini party because that would mean that I'm not literially a foot shorter than the tallest person in my family...

And I think I'm done XD. Maybe y'all know more about 

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