Chapter Six

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"Excuse me, can you tell us where the office is?"

I shut my locker and turn around to face a group of guys I'd never seen before. The one who spoke had a baby face and raven black hair that wouldn't look out of place on YouTube.

"Hi, I'm Kylie and the office is just down the hallway and take a right. I know what it's like to be new here."

The raven boy smiles, "I'm Kellin, and this is Justin, Nick, Jesse and Jack. Thanks for your help, maybe we'll see each other around."

The guys walk away and when Kellin brushes past me I swear I feel something cold overcomes my body like I was touching ice.

"Are you okay Kylie?"

Jordan pops up next to me.

"Just telling the new people where the office is."

He nods, "I'm pretty sure Brian and Lee will find out all the gossip. It's odd to get this many new people. Now let's get to homeroom."

The two of us chat as we enter the classroom. My face lights up seeing Lynn which her nose in a maths textbook, she really wanted that date with me.

"You'll pass the test, Lynn."

Lynn smirks as I sit down next to her, "give me a kiss for good luck babe."

I laugh at her eagerness, "fine, just one kiss."

I lean over and quickly kiss her lips, no way was she getting any more until she passed the test. Behind us Jordan and Lee awe like happy parents.

"Our kids are all grown up Fish."

"They better not break up because I want to go to a wedding."

Turning around in our seats we both flip the guys off.

"Kylie right? We meet again so soon."

I jump hearing Kellin behind me. I hadn't even heard the teacher announce him.

"Nice to see you again Kellin, and Jesse right?"

The two sit down at the desk in front of us. Jesse clears his throat, "that's right. Our friend Nick is in another class, while Jack and Justin are in the year above."

I tilt my head, "so you all know each other, then why did you all move to the same place? Seems a little odd."

Kellin and Jesse share a quick look, while Lynn looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"Let's just say a tragedy happened and we all needed a fresh start to get our heads around it."

I didn't want to push him on the topic any further because it seemed like it was a touchy subject.

The bell rings and Lynn's out of the classroom before I can even wish her any more luck. Though I swear I see Kellin smile and nudge Jesse, and then Jordan and Lee leave without saying goodbye.

"What class do you guys have now?"

Kellin pulls out his timetable and hands it to me. Looks like we had art together next.

"We have art together next Kellin. What do you have Jesse?"

Jesse sighs, "geography."


"Kylie this is Nick, he's in our year and is a pretty cool guy."

"How do you do Kylie?"

I shake Nick's hand and the three of us claim a table at the back of the class.

Glimpse Of Bliss, Taste Of Heaven (Lynn Gunn X Girl) (PVRIS) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now