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Buried in comfort, I slept. It was moist and dark. But I was alone.

Truly alone.

And I loved it.

Isolation was ignorance. Ignorance was bliss. If one never knew of external matters, what was there to miss ?

But one day I started to yearn for the surface warmth. It is sulight that I desired to feel in my veins. In the darkness, three inches felt like a hundred feet.

But where was the way out ? Did I even know? Or was I to merely follow fluid needs of the body? I didn't know.

I knew nothing.

I only imagined.

I only dreamed of leaving. Of tearing apart the bubble of skin and joining the others in an existence so uncomfortable.

But why?

It made no sense. I made no sense. I never made sense. I was an alien but I was also the witness.

I was also the man in white, slicing through extraterrestrial flesh with a scalpel melded from a thirst of knowledge. If no one else would, I would do it.

I would pull myself apart, turn myself inside out. How ? I didn't know. But need will be my teacher and I will learn.

I will learn to escape. Break free from this painless silence. Push myself into a world even more alien than my own body.

I will learn to grow. Spread free like the chitinous network that taught me to talk. Upwards, downwards, and sideways - soon I shall move in all directions.

I will learn to rise. Soon I shall feel it all - life in my veins, around me, and below me. Soon I shall twist and change and overcome.

And perhaps one day I wouldn't have to think, "if only I could conquer".

i wrote this at 4 am last night when i couldn't sleep lol

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