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Obscured, unseen, unattended
Find me a spot and bury me there
Return me to mother nature's bosom
Back to dirt, back to worms
May the earth welcome me home.

To simpler times I return, when there is no need to think
No need to eat nor sleep
No need for material goods nor a body
Take it! Take it all!
Take my flesh! Take my bones!
Take my breathe!

Allow me to fade further into obscurity
Provide me the anonymity of an unmarked grave.
Erase the smudge that is my existence and leave no trace.
I never existed.

It was pointless from the start.
And now at the end of it all,
Do I have regrets ?
Do I wish to continue ?
Do I?

Questions are pointless.
My veins are dry, my heartbeat has ceased.
Life flows.
From body to dirt to bodies.
Many little bodies-
Squirming, slithering, burrowing-
I live on in sweet obscurity.

I live.

well...this was somehow even more self indulgent than before

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